Joachim Meichßner

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Joachim Meichßner (born April 4, 1906 in Deutsch-Eylau ; † September 29, 1944 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German professional officer and resistance fighter from July 20, 1944 .


Joachim Meichßner was the son of the pastor and later superintendent in Wittenberg Maximilian Meichßner . After graduating from high school in 1924 at Schulpforta high school near Bad Kösen , he chose the officer career in the Reichswehr . In 1935 Meichßner was sent to the military academy in Berlin-Moabit for general staff training . After completing his training at the academy, he was transferred to the Army High Command in 1937 , where he worked from 1940 as 1st General Staff Officer and group leader at the General Army Office . His superior was General of the Infantry Friedrich Olbricht , through whom Meichßner came into contact with the resistance circles.

After being deployed to the front in 1943, Meichßner became a colonel in the general staff, head of the organization department in the Wehrmacht command staff, which enabled him to take part in Hitler’s briefings. However, he did not want to carry out the attack himself.

After the failed assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, Meichßner was arrested by the Gestapo at the end of July . On August 14th he was dishonorably expelled from the Wehrmacht by the court of honor , so that the Reich Court Martial was no longer responsible for the sentencing. On September 28 and 29, 1944, the hearing before the People's Court took place under its President Roland Freisler . On September 29th, Joachim Meichßner was sentenced to death and hanged in Plötzensee .


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