Joachim Ring Life

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Joachim Ringleben (born July 24, 1945 in Flensburg ) is a Lutheran theologian , university professor and was abbot of the Bursfelde monastery near Hann from 2000 to 2016 . Münden in the Weser Uplands .

Live and act

Joachim Ringleben studied Protestant theology and philosophy; he received his doctorate in Protestant theology in 1974. In 1981 he completed his habilitation in systematic theology .

In 1984 Ringleben became a full professor for systematic theology at the University of Göttingen . Since 1997 he has also been active as the author of the Internet platform Göttinger Sermons on the Internet .

In the German theological landscape, Ringleben is regarded as an orthodox speculative outsider whose coordinates are primarily Martin Luther , Johann Georg Hamann , German idealism ( Johann Gottlieb Fichte , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ) and Søren Kierkegaard . His essays on Luther, Hegel and his discussion with the New Testament scholar and faculty colleague Gerd Lüdemann attracted greater attention . Ringleben opposes what he believes is a watered-down neo- cultural Protestantism , as it has established itself in theological discussion after the influence of Karl Barth's dialectical theology has waned . Following Adolf Schlatter , he is of the conviction that " dogmatic theology [...] must seek to find its peculiarity in closest contact with the given word of [Holy] Scripture, because otherwise its thinking would lose its linguistic character. "

In 2000 Ringleben was appointed abbot of the Bursfelde monastery to succeed Lothar Perlitt . His term of office ended in 2016. His successor is Thomas Kaufmann .

Functions and memberships


Ringleben's work is recognized worldwide and across denominations. So writes Pope Benedict XVI. in the foreword of one of his works on Ringleleben's book Jesus. An attempt to understand :

" It is a pleasure for me that the book has in the meantime got an ecumenical brother, so to speak, in the extensive work Jesus (2008) by the evangelical theologian Joachim Ringleben. Whoever reads the two books will, on the one hand, notice the great difference in thought forms and formative theological approaches which expresses the different denominational origins of the two authors in concrete terms. But at the same time the deep unity appears in the essential understanding of the person of Jesus and his message. In different theological approaches the same faith works, there is an encounter with the same Lord Jesus. I hope that both books, in their differences and in their essential commonality, can be an ecumenical testimony that in this hour serves the fundamental common mission of Christians in its own way. "

Publications (selection)

  • Hegel's theory of sin. The subjectivity-logical construction of a theological concept , 1977.
  • Appropriation. Kierkegaard's speculative theology , 1983.
  • Interio intimo meo. The closeness of God according to the denominations of Augustine , Zurich 1988.
  • Kierkegaard's illness to death. One comment , 1995.
  • Crown of thorns and purple mantle. Theological reflections on images from Grünewald to Paul Klee , Frankfurt / M. u. Leipzig 1996.
  • Truly risen. On the foundation of the theology of the living God , Tübingen 1998.
  • Think god. Studies on theology of Paul Tillich , Hamburg 2003.
  • Work on the concept of God. Volume I: Reformation Foundation, Doctrine of God, Eschatology , Tübingen 2004.
  • Work on the concept of God. Volume II: Modern Classics , Tübingen 2005.
  • Jesus. An attempt to understand , Tübingen 2008.
  • God in the word. Luther's theology of language , Tübingen 2010.
  • The philosophical gospel. Theological interpretation of the Gospel of John in the horizon of language thinking , Tübingen 2014.
  • Speechless word? On the criticism of Barth's and Tillich's word theology - from the language , Göttingen 2015.
  • The living God. Doctrine of God as work on the concept , Tübingen 2018.
  • Word and story. Short Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews , Göttingen 2019.


  • Who is where in the Protestant Church? People and functions , ed. v. Thomas Krüger / Carola Wolf / Udo Han, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 - ISBN 3-932194-29-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Ringleben: Work on the concept of God . tape 2 : Modern classics. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2005, p. 365 .
  2. Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI., Jesus von Nazareth, Part 2: From Entry into Jerusalem to Resurrection , Freiburg i. Breisgau 2011.