Joachim von Oppen

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Heinrich Karl Gottfried Joachim von Oppen-Dannenwalde (born April 3, 1879 in Breslau , † April 27, 1948 in Hamburg ) was a German manor owner and agricultural functionary from the von Oppen family .



His parents were Lieutenant General Karl von Oppen (April 2, 1824 - May 9, 1895) and his second wife, Countess Gabriele Marie von Itzenplitz (July 18, 1839 - September 21, 1901).


Buskow Castle

Joachim von Oppen graduated from the Brandenburg Knights Academy in 1896 . He studied at the Universities of Göttingen and Berlin law . In 1897 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Göttingen . After taking his legal traineeship in 1900, he embarked on an administrative career. In 1905 he became a government assessor at the Danzig police headquarters and subsequently a government assessor at the Niederbarnim district office as well as an unskilled worker in the Prussian Ministry of Culture . In 1908 he resigned from the civil service and took over the management of the Dannenwalde manor in Gumtow . In the First World War he took part as a cavalry lieutenant. In 1921 he became President of the Chamber of Agriculture for the Province of Brandenburg and for Berlin. He was deputy chairman of the Prussian Main Chamber of Agriculture and a member of the German Agriculture Council . From 1929 Oppen was co-owner of Gut Buskow . On November 19, 1932, he was one of the signatories of a petition from personalities from industry, banking and agriculture to President Hindenburg for the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor.

The family lost the Buskow and Dannenwalde estates in autumn 1945 as a result of the land reform in the Soviet occupation zone .


Oppen married Anna Eva Emilie Hedwig von Rohr (born December 12, 1883) on October 16, 1908 , mistress of Dannenwalde and Bärensprung. The couple had several children including:

  • Maria Luise Elisabeth (born July 5, 1909)
  • Otto Albrecht Joachim (born September 4, 1910)
  • Carl Friedrich Joachim (born December 10, 1912)
  • Harald Siegfried Joachim (born August 23, 1914)
  • Joachim Vivellence (born November 9, 1915)
  • Anna Luise Cecilie Elisabeth (* 1923) ⚭ 1948 Freiherr Friedrich von Falkenhausen (1902–1971)


  • Iron Cross 2nd and 1st class
  • Black wounded badge


  • Mussolini and Italian Agriculture - Report on a study trip in May 1930 , 1930
  • The Chamber of Agriculture for the Province of Brandenburg and Berlin - Becoming and Working from 1896 to 1930 , 1930


  • Oppen, Joachim, from. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 2: L-Z. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1931, DNB 453960294 , p. 1360.
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of aristocratic houses: at the same time the nobility register of the German aristocratic association. Part A, 1913, p. 458

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelige Häuser A Volume XIV, p. 471, Volume 66 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1977, p. 366.
  2. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 45 , 479
  3. Enter Hindenburg on
  4. Chronicle of Buskow Castle
  5. Elisabeth von Falkenhausen - Hendrik Bäßler publisher · berlin. In: Retrieved May 25, 2017 .