Joan-Lluís Lluís

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Joan-Lluís Lluís at the Canadian book fair Salon international du livre de Québec 2012

Joan-Lluís Lluís (* 1963 in Perpignan , France ) is a French- North Catalan writer and journalist .

life and work

Joan-Lluís Lluís lives in Barcelona and has worked as a journalist for the Catalan newspaper El Punt since 1987 . Lluís has been writing novels in Catalan since 1993 and is actively committed to this language. With the musician Pascal Comelade , he wrote the manifesto Manifest revulsista nord-català ( Manifiesto revulsista norcatalán ) in 1998 .

Most of his novels have been published by La Magrana in Barcelona. He is also the author of a short non-fiction book called Conversa amb el meu gos sobre França i els francesos (Conversation with my dog ​​about France and the French, 2002) and the Diccionari dels llocs imaginaris dels Països Catalans (Dictionary of imaginary places of the Catalan countries, 2006), in which he records the “geography of the imaginary” in 627 articles based on its description in literature.

On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2007 Lluís represented the Ramon Llull Institute for the host country Catalonia. None of his works has yet been translated into German.


  • 2003: Premi Joan Coromines of the Coordinadora d'Associacions per la Llengua catalana (CAL) de la CAL for Conversa amb el meu gos sobre França i els francesos
  • 2004: Joan Crexells Prize for El dia de l'ós
  • 2009: Premi Crítica Serra d'Or de Literatura i Assaig for Aiguafang
  • 2010: Premi Nacional President Lluís Companys
  • 2017: Premi Sant Jordi de novella for Jo sóc aquell que va matar Franco


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manifest revulsista nord-català ( Memento of October 24, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Ateneu Barcelonès, Prize Winner 2000 to 2007 (Catalan, accessed on May 19, 2013).