Premi Sant Jordi de novella

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The Premi Sant Jordi de novel·la , usually abbreviated Premi Sant Jordi , in German "Sankt-Georgs-Preis", is a Catalan literary prize that is awarded annually for novels in the Catalan language . The award usually takes place on December 13th for the Lucia Festival , or on a date in its immediate vicinity. It is considered one of the most important awards in Catalan literature.

The prize is announced and financed by the Kulturmnium Cultural association and the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana publishing house . The award was established in 1947; before 1960 it was called Premi Joanot Martorell , in honor of the late medieval writer Joanot Martorell (1410-1465), who is regarded as the forerunner of the modern novel. Today (2015) the prize is endowed with 60,000 euros.

Award winners

Premi Joanot Martorell

Premi Sant Jordi

Individual evidence

  1. Melcion Mateu, “Foreword by the Editor” , Transcript , No. 3, p.
  2. ICG, "premi Sant Jordi" , Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana , Date December 30, 2013