Joaquim Pijoan i Arbocer

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Joaquim Pijoan i Arbocer

Joaquim Pijoan i Arbocer (born March 27, 1948 in Santa Cristina d'Aro , Baix Empordà ) is a Catalan painter and writer. He studied philology and fine arts . Although he regards himself primarily as a painter, he has gained more prominence with his literary works. According to the director of the publishing group Ara Ernest Folc, Pijoan is one of the most solid, patient and consistent authors of Catalan literature.


  • Somni (1983)
  • Sayonara Barcelona. (2007), Proa-Verlag.
    The protagonist is disappointed with post-Olympic Barcelona. Back after a long absence, he barely recognizes his city. The novel is more than a simple comparison between an old and a new world. He talks about changing people and their ideals, about the struggle for survival of the Catalan language that has been overwhelmed by Spanish , about the longing for the beauty of a city that falls victim to greedy real estate speculators, about the value of success and failure
  • Diari del pintor JP , diary
  • L'amor a Venècia (2008i)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ICG, "Joaquim Pijoan i Arbocer" , Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana , 2013
  2. “Pijoan Arbocer, Joaquim” , Qui és qui. Índex d'autors , Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministry of Culture, 27 August 2013.
  3. a b “Joaquim Pijoan: 'Ja fa temps que estic perplex, no em ve de nou' El Premi Sant Jordi 2006 publica una nova novel·la, 'L'amor a Venècia'” , VilaWeb , 10 September 2008.
  4. criticism from Ponç Puigdevall, Un dia Tornare. In: El País , March 15, 2007.
  5. Rosa Maria Piñol, “Joaquim Pijoan recibe el premio de novela por su obra ´Sayonara Barcelona´” , La Vanguardia , December 16, 2006