Ramon Solsona i Sancho

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Romon Solsona i Sancho, 2015

Ramon Solsona i Sancho (born February 17, 1950 in Barcelona , Catalonia ) is a journalist , screenwriter and writer who writes in Catalan .

Solsona has a degree in Romance Studies . In 1992, after twenty years, he decided to give up his post as a secondary school teacher and to live entirely from his pen. He made his debut in 1989 with the novel Figures de calidoscopi . In 1998 he wrote the lyrics for the anthem on the occasion of the centenary of the football club FC Barcelona , for which Antoni Ros Marba composed the music. His most famous prose works are the three-time award-winning novel Les hores detingudes (1993) and L'Home de la maleta (2010).

He also writes for the daily newspapers Avui , Diari de Barcelona and La Vanguardia, among others . As a radio journalist, he takes care of the Entre Paraules (“Between Words”) program for RAC 1 and some programs for Catalunya Ràdio . As a screenwriter, he wrote the scripts Agència de viatges (“ Travel Agency ”, 1991–92, together with E. Gomà), Estació d'enllaç (“Connection Station ” 1996–98, with various other authors) and Dos és massa (“Two is too much ”written in 1989, with A. Manso).


Satyrical poetry

published under the pseudonym "Lo gaiter del Besòs"

  • Sac de Gemecs (A Bag Full of Sighs, 1989)
  • Botifarra de pagès! (Farmer's Sausage! 2013)
  • Figures de calidoscopi (1989) (kaleidoscope figures )
  • Les hores detingudes (The Held Hours, 1993)
  • L'home de la maleta (Man with a suitcase, 2010)

Some of his works have been translated into French, Spanish and Romanian.


Individual evidence

  1. JIE, "Ramon Solsona i Sancho" , Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana , version of March 19, 2013
  2. Sonia Casas: El meu Heroi: Ramon Solsona. In: Sàpiens . No. 68, June 2008, p. 9. ISSN  1695-2014
  3. Ramon Solsona. Diccionari de la literatura catalana , in: Lletra, la literatura catalana a Internet , Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya , sd
  4. Interview by Marta Nadal about the novel: "Ramon Solsona, la transcendència del fet quotidià" (RS: the transcendence of everyday facts ), in: Vint escriptors catalans , Volume 187 by Biblioteca Serra D'Or, Barcelona, ​​L'Abadia de Montserrat , 1997, ISBN 9788478268405 , pp. 131-137
  5. For a complete biography, including a complete bibliography (including works about him): "Obra" , on the web page of the Association of Authors, Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC).
  6. "L'Escriptor Ramon Solsona Guanya el Premi Sant Jordi per la novella" L'home de la maleta "" , TV3 , December 17, 2010