Emili Rosales i Castellà

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Emili Rosales

Emili Rosales i Castellà (born February 12, 1968 in Sant Carles de la Ràpita , Tarragona province ) is a Catalan writer and publisher. His homeland Terres de l'Ebre (Land of the Ebro) plays an important role in most of his works. Occasionally he also writes in the La Vanguardia and Avui newspapers .


After his youth in Sant Carles, he moved to Barcelona , where he studied Catalan Philology. After completing his studies, Rosales got a job at Edicions Planeta . In addition to his work as an editor and publisher, over the years he has created a literary oeuvre with which he has won over readers and critics from the start. He made his debut in 1989 with the collection of poems Ciutats i mars ("Cities and Seas") and followed in 1991 with the poetry bundle Els dies i tu ("The days and you"). In 1995 his first novel La casa de la platja ("The house on the beach") appeared. In 2004 he won the Premi Sant Jordi de novella literary prize for his novelLa ciutat invisible ("Tiepolo and the invisible city"). He has been the Publishing Director at Edicions 62 since February 2014. He is anything but a prolific writer , but his work is recognized and has been translated into English, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian and Chinese.

Rosales is a member of the Associació d'escriptors en llengua catalana authors' association

Works (selection)

As an author


As editor

  1. Terres de l'Ebre. Camins de nit. Tino Costa . 1992, ISBN 84-7809-443-1 .
  2. L'inútil combat. Hores en blanc. Narracions del Delta . 1993, ISBN 84-7809-490-3 .
  3. L'espera. Entre la terra. La masia . 1993, ISBN 84-7809-574-8 .


  • 1990 Premi Salvador Espriu for young poetry with Els dies i tu
  • 2004 Premi Sant Jordi for his novel La ciutat invisible , translated into German as Tiepolo and the invisible city by Kirsten Brandt

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Xulio Ricardo Trigo, “Biografia” , bio- and bibliographical information on the website of the authors' association Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana
  2. ^ "Emili Rosales i Castellà" , Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana , 2013
  3. V. Gaillard, "Plega de l'Grup 62 editora de Columna Berta Bruna" , El Punt Avui , 12 July 2014
  4. ^ Ernest Aló, "Emili Rosales, director editorial de Grup 62" , El Periódico de Catalunya , February 8, 2014
  5. ^ Piper, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-492-25290-4 .