Johann Alexander Böner

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Johann Alexander Böner , also Boener, Bäner, Bönner and Pömer (born February 17, 1647 in Nuremberg ; † November 2, 1720 there ) was an engraver , etcher , draftsman and art dealer in the imperial city of Nuremberg .


He was a student of the Dutch draftsman and engraver Matthias van Somer . Böner was an extremely productive artist and developed a factory-scale serial production of copperplate engravings that was amazing for the time . He was especially known for his views of Nuremberg and traditional costumes .


  • The portrait of Andr. Eberh. Robber in full figure, in a scenic setting. He is presented with his long beard that reaches under his feet. From an unknown good master. On wood. ….… The copper engraving by JA Böner .


Web links

Commons : Johann Alexander Böner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Directory of a collection of oil and water paintings, drawings, colored ... Bayerische StaatsBibliothek digital , p. 1, No. 1 (auction of the collection of Christian Jacob Gottlob Eisen from Nuremberg from December 6, 1824).