Johann August von Ponickau

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Johann August Ponickau auf Klipphausen (born September 2, 1718 in Dresden ; † February 26, 1802 there ) was a library donor and a Saxon war council .

Johann August von Ponickau


Johann August von Ponickau the Younger was born as the son of the royal Polish and electoral Saxon chamberlain Johann August von Ponickau († 1747) and a born von Miltitz († 1720). The family comes from the Meissnian line Klipphausen of the noble family Ponickau . After his education at the Princely School Grimma from 1729 to 1732 and then at the Princely School Meißen , he studied in Leipzig and between 1743 and 1747 was in the service of the Duchy of Saxony-Gotha as a Chamberlain and Councilor.

He became known for his extensive library on Saxon history, which he built up in particular from the inherited fortune of his father and set up in Dresden. As early as 1762 he informed Georg August Langguth that the Ponickausche library would be left to the University of Wittenberg. After Ponickau increasingly suffered from poor eyesight, he decided to implement this project while still alive. From 1789 to 1791 the library was transported from Dresden to Wittenberg by water at his own expense. At that time it consisted of around 16,000 books and manuscripts. Since 1794 the library has been under the supervision of Johann Samuel Göbel . Even after the transfer, von Ponickau supported new acquisitions for his foundation. In his will he ordered a curator for the library with an annual salary of 50 thalers.

History of the library

Napoléon Bonaparte had the University of Wittenberg closed in 1813. With the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Saxon areas around Wittenberg became part of Prussia . As a result, the University of Wittenberg was moved to Halle, where the United Friedrichs University Halle-Wittenberg was founded in 1817. As a replacement, Wittenberg received the Protestant seminary. The university library of the Wittenberg University, which was protected by outsourcing, was transferred to the University in Halle in large parts. Only the holdings of the theological faculty remained in the library of the seminary in Wittenberg, so that the Ponickausche collection found a new home in Halle . Since July 2007, funded by the German Research Foundation , the inventory of works from the 17th century has been digitized and thus gradually made accessible to the public. The project was completed in July 2009 and is available to interested parties for digital inspection.


The books in the library's holdings were a. marked by a stamp with the inscription "BIBLIOTHECA PONICKAVIANA".


Individual evidence

  1. BIBLIOTHECA PONICKAVIANA , accessed on May 16, 2013

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