Johann Campinge

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Johann Campinge (also: Campingius ; * 1527 in Groningen ; † August 6, 1590 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a Dutch pedagogue and philologist .


Campinge came from a noble Dutch family. He had studied at the University of Leuven for six years , where he learned the Hebrew language from a converted Jew named Johann Isaak. As a follower of Protestant doctrine, he had to flee from his country before the Catholic forces of the Counter Reformation. So he came to Königsberg in 1553, where he continued his studies and in 1554 acquired the academic degree of a master's degree. In the same year he received an appointment as rector of the Königsberg cathedral school.

Since this met with the unwillingness of the Koenigsberg guarantee, the students had organized a strike against him. As a supporter of Andreas Osiander , however, he had a good standing in Königsberg. In 1556 he took over the management of the pedagogy. In 1564 he became professor of the Greek language and in 1568 he became professor of the Hebrew language at the University of Königsberg . As a result of the Osiandrian dispute , the theological professorships became vacant.

Since Campinge had the necessary qualifications of a learned theologian, he had to represent the university at a theological synod in 1580 and was assessor at the Samland Consistory from 1581 to 1583 . In addition, he had also participated in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. In the summer semesters 1569, 1575, 1581 and in the winter semester 1577/78 he was rector of the Alma Mater and in the winter semester 1581/82 he was the equivalent prorector.


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, 177, 360, 367
  • Klaus Bürger: Old Prussian biography . Verlag Elwert, Marburg / Lahn, 2007, ISBN 377080502X , Vol. 5, Part 1, p. 98.
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Hartung Verlag, Königsberg, 1886, p. 125