Johann Erdmann von Promnitz

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Johann Erdmann Reichsgraf von Promnitz (* February 2, 1719 in Sorau , Niederlausitz ; † July 4, 1785, probably in Durlach , Margraviate Baden-Durlach ) was a freelance landlord of Pless , Lord of Sorau , Triebel , Naumburg am Bober and Drehna , as well as on Vetschau in Lower Lusatia and Silesia .


Johann Erdmann was a son of Erdmann II. Count von Promnitz and Anna Maria von Sachsen-Weißenfels. In 1745 he inherited the free class rule Pleß , as well as the dominions Sorau , Triebel and Naumburg am Bober from his father after his death. In 1760 he received the lords of Klitschdorf , Wehrau and Drehna , as well as Vetschau from his late half-brother Seyfried.

In 1765, after the death of his wife, Johann Erdmann gave the free estate rule Pleß to his nephew Friedrich Erdmann von Anhalt-Köthen and sold the dominions of Sorau and Triebel to the Saxon elector . He left the rule of Drehna and Vetschau to his sister Agnes Sophie Reuss zu Ebersdorf .

In 1785 Johann Erdmann von Promnitz died of bilious fever on a trip, probably in Durlach, Baden . With him, the Counts of Promnitz died out in the male line.


Johann Erdmann von Promnitz was married to Karoline von Schönaich-Carolath (June 20, 1727– December 18, 1762). The two had no children.


  1. New genealogical-historical news ... . Volume 18. 1761. p. 145
  2. Michael Sachs: The death of Count Johann Erdmann von Promnitz (1719-1785) as a result of an incarcerated bile duct stone - an analysis of the epicrisis of the treating surgeon from 1785. In: Sudhoff's archive . Volume 93. Issue 2. 2009. pp. 230-234.
  3. ^ Lusatian magazine ... Volume 18. Fickelscherer, Görlitz 1785. p. 228