Johann Friedrich von Ryhiner

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Johann Friedrich von Ryhiner (born January 1, 1732 in Bern ; † January 20, 1803 there ) was a Swiss statesman and geographer .

Ryhiner began his civil service as a law firm subsistute. In 1764 he became a member of the Grand Council , from 1783 to 1788 he was a pen conductor . In 1788 he joined the Small Council , later he became Venner at Pfistern . He created a general overview of the Bernese legal and administrative relationships (regional book), revised the city statutes and carried out an analysis of the Bernese postal system. He left behind an extensive collection of maps that was donated to the Bern City Library (now Bern University Library ) in 1867 . The Ryhiner Collection is one of the most important map collections in the world.


  • Thomas Klöti: Johann Friedrich von Ryhiner (1732-1803) - Bern statesman, geographer, map bibliographer and transport politician , Bern 1994, ( full text )
  • Thomas Klöti: The Post: a “business”, for whom? : History of the Bern postal system from 1648-1798 and Johann Friedrich von Ryhiner's «Report on the postal system in Helvetia», 1793 , Bern 1990, ( full text )

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