Johann Georg von Rappard

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Johann Georg von Rappard (born May 8, 1915 in Charlottenburg ; † November 9, 2006 in Holzen ) was the owner of the Bremsdorfer Mühle until 1941 .

His parents were Natalie Freda Elisabeth Countess von Einsiedel (1892–1936) and Curt von Rappard (1881–1956), royal Prussian senior government councilor (retired). Johann Georg's great-grandfather was Conrad von Rappard .

His profession as a genealogist enabled him to work on the genealogical handbook of the nobility of the C.-A.-Starke-Verlag from the beginning of the 1960s . Later he was responsible for the publications of the Federal Intelligence Service in Pullach . He was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John .

Individual evidence

  1. Institute for Personal History  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Edition 1, Volume X, September 2007 p. 6 ff@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /