Johann George von Lindenau

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Johann George von Lindenau (* 1704 ; † July 24, 1771 in Altenburg ) was heir, feudal lord and court lord on Windischleuba , Polenz near Brandis, Nobitz , Pohlhof and Heuckewalde , ducal-Württemberg chief steward and knight of the Order of St.  Hubert .


He was the son of Johann George von Lindenau († 1728), lord of Polenz, ducal Saxon chief stableman in Gotha and Sophie Elisabeth von Zehmen from the Windischleuba and Nobitz family. He was married to Henrietta Augusta Pflugk from the Heuckewalde family. From his sister-in-law Carolina Louise von Einsiedel born. On December 12, 1765 , he bought Pflugk's third part of the Heuckewalde manor . He died in Altenburg and was transferred to Windischleuba on July 27, 1771, to be buried in the family crypt there.


  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Lindenau († 1776), court and justice advisor to Dresden , married to Caroline Agnese, b. Mustard from Pilsach , whose only child died in 1776
  • Johann August von Lindenau (* 1748, † 1817), councilor of appeal to Dresden , father of Bernhard von Lindenau
  • Christiana Augusta, wife of the Secret Legation Councilor von Beulwitz
  • Johanna Elisabetha, wife of the Court Marshal Johann Wilhelm von Hertzberg
  • Gottlob Heinrich von Lindenau (1755–1830), Chamberlain and District Chief Forester

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