Johann Heidenreich von Ascheberg

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Johann Heidenreich von Ascheberg (* around 1630 ; † April 20, 1697 ) was canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Johann Heidenreich von Ascheberg came from the Westphalian noble family von Ascheberg , from which numerous well-known personalities emerged. He was the son of Ludger von Ascheberg zu Bying and Garthaus and his wife Anna Katharina von Brabeck . His brother Ludger Engelbert was canon in Münster from 1662 to 1677.


With the receipt of the tonsure on November 27, 1641, he was prepared for a spiritual life. After the abandonment of the canons Heinrich von Letmathe he was on 9 December 1641 for the Dompräbende presented. With the revolt to the families Ascheberg, Brabeck, Altenbochum and Letmathe, he came into the possession of the benefices on January 7, 1642. The emancipation followed after submission of the study certificate from the University of Orléans on May 22, 1648. On April 29, 1642 Johann Heidenreich presented his brother Ludger Engelbert for the prebend of the deceased Canon Johann Plechelm von Rhede . From 1670 on, Johann Heidenreich was absent for several months each year with the permission of the cathedral chapter to accompany a trial for House Bying at the Speyer Chamber of Commerce. On May 21, 1682 he opted for the archdeaconate on the Drein . After the death of Canon von Ketteler, he opted for the archdeaconate of Winterswijk on August 28, 1689. Shortly before his death, he designated the Canon of Bevervörde zu Werries as his heir in a (unsigned) declaration. The cathedral chapter did not recognize this paper as a valid will. His preamble went to Jobst Matthias von Twickel .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2) The Cathedral Monastery of St. Paulus in Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978- 3-11-008508-2 , Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff. Digitized.

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