Johann II (Teschen-Auschwitz)

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Johann II of Auschwitz (also Hanuš II of Teschen-Auschwitz ; * before 1350 ; † 1375/1376 ) was Duke of Teschen and from 1372 until his death in 1376 Duke of Auschwitz . He came from the Teschen branch of the Silesian Piasts .

Origin and life

His parents were Duke Johann I and his wife, whose name and origin are not known. Around 1366 Johann II married Hedwig († 1385/1396), a daughter of Duke Ludwig I of Brieger . The children came from the marriage

While his father Johann I was still alive, his only son Johann II was involved in the reign of the Duchy of Auschwitz. After his father's death in 1372 he was the sole heir. Since his father had already subordinated the Duchy of Auschwitz as a fief to the Bohemian King John of Luxembourg in 1327 , John II also became a vassal of the Crown of Bohemia .

Johann died after a brief reign in 1375 or 1376. His body was buried in the church of the Dominican monastery in Auschwitz . His only son Johann III followed him as Duke of Auschwitz.


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