Johann Jakob Rychner

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Johann Jakob Rychner (born May 4, 1803 ; different date May 8, 1803 in Aarau ; † June 21, 1878 in Bern ) was a Swiss veterinarian .


Johann Jakob Rychner was the son of the comb maker Samuel Rychner (born August 17, 1777 in Aarau; † April 10, 1856) and his first wife Veronika (born April 11, 1779 in Aarau; † March 20, 1823), daughter of Hieronimus Schmuziger (1739-1822), shoemaker, born.

He attended elementary school and grammar school in Aarau and began studying veterinary medicine at the University of Bern , which he continued at the universities of Stuttgart , Munich and Vienna . In 1824 he became a forensic veterinarian in Aarau and from 1828 he was a city veterinarian in the Prussian Principality of Neuchâtel , where, in addition to his official work, he worked as a veterinarian in the horse and cattle stables of the patriciate . During this time, in 1826, he submitted his first contribution, attempt to explain some animal activities through antagonism, to the President of the Society of Swiss Veterinarians , which was published in the Swiss Archives for Veterinary Medicine in 1829.

In 1833 he moved to Bern . Due to the illness of Ludwig Karl Friedrich Emmert (1779-1833), first director of the Veterinary School , the Veterinary Institute of the University of Bern, an apprenticeship position was advertised, for which he competed with Heinrich Koller (1811-1880) and was defeated.

However, he could shortly thereafter extended at the Veterinary School in the mid-1820s and was moved with their clinical departments to the Engehalde, habilitation and was in late autumn 1834 to Prosektor appointed and held as a lecturer lectures on the natural history of pets, Botany , general pathology and bandage theory.

In 1835 he published his work Bujatrik or the sporadic internal and peculiar external diseases of cattle , a clear compilation of the knowledge of the time.

In 1839, after turning down a call to the University of Giessen , he was appointed Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bern and taught the natural history of domestic mammals with the exterior of cattle, general pathology of domestic animals and the Buiatric Clinic , on an outpatient basis.

On February 21, 1843, together with his advanced students, he created an association for buiatric clinics , with the aim of giving cattle medicine its due place in practical and clinical terms. The cases dealt with during the day in the homesteads were discussed in meetings and recorded in handwritten minutes. With the support of the Institute for Veterinary Medicine, this resulted in a farm animal clinic, of which Johann Jakob Rycher remained until his retirement; later she was transferred to the outpatient clinic. To this end, he was entrusted by the authorities with animal disease control tasks and expert reports, was a member of the Bern Medical Board and the Cattle Awards Commission, was a member of the board of the economic society and achieved the rank of major in the military.

When Matthias Anker (1788–1863) gave up the management of the Bern Animal Hospital due to an illness, Johann Jakob Rychner took over its management and, after his death, also a large part of the functions, such as the management of the farrier school.

From 1863 to 1869 he held lectures as a full professor at the University of Bern.

Through his textbook on cattle medicine and the creation of a corresponding clinic in Bern that he suggested, he is considered to be the founder of Buiatrik .

Johann Jakob Rychner's first marriage to Elisabeth Maria Jenni, geb. Gerber, married, but the marriage was divorced again in 1854. In his second marriage he was with Elisabeth, widowed Morgenthaler, born in 1857. Junker married. Both marriages remained childless, but through his second marriage he had a stepdaughter and a stepson, with whom he also spent his last days.


  • He was accepted as a member of the Society of Swiss Veterinarians on September 4, 1826 and elected President in 1843; In 1851 he was re-elected and in 1852 he was confirmed for another year.
  • He was also on the board of the Economic and Non-Profit Society of the Canton of Bern .

Fonts (selection)

He also briefly edited a cattle science magazine .


Johann Jakob Rychner in R. Fankhauser, B. Hörning: On the hundredth anniversary of Johann Jakob Rychner's death . Swiss Archive for Veterinary Medicine SAT: the specialist journal for veterinarians, Volume 120. 1978. P. 323 f.

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Individual evidence

  1. Attempt to explain some animal functions by antagonism