Johann Joseph Benet

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Johann Joseph Benet / Bennen (1862)
Gravestone of Johann Joseph Benet in Ernen, VS

Johann Joseph Benet (also Bennen , born November 11, 1819 in Steinhaus , Canton Valais ; † February 28, 1864 on the Haut de Cry mountain (2969 m)) was a Swiss mountain guide .


Johann Joseph Benet was born in Steinhaus in the Swiss canton of Valais. He was also called "Bennen" by his friend John Tyndall and, because of his revolutionary mountaineering style, called "Garibaldi the mountain guide". Johann Joseph Benet died on February 28, 1864 when he was buried by a slab of snow on the Haut-de-Cry, a mountain in Lower Valais. He was buried in Ernen . The tombstone is at the lower exit of the cemetery on the right. The inscription reads: MOUNTAIN GUIDE JOHANN JOSEPH BENNEN, FROM LAX, BORN 11 NOV. 1819, ACCIDENT FEB 28. 1864, AT HAUT-DE-CRY, ERECTED BY, JOHN TYNDALL, F. VAUGHAN HAWKINS, AND FF TUCKETT, RENOVATED BY, LC TYNDALL, 1902

Note: LC TYNDALL is Louisa Charlotte (Hamilton) Tyndall (1845-1940), the wife of John Tyndall.

First ascents


Web links

Commons : Johann Joseph Bennen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files