Johann Justus Röhde

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Johann Justus Röhde , also Rhöde (born December 11, 1738 in Trarbach an der Mosel, † December 21, 1812 in Muskau ) was a master's degree in philosophy and ducal Saxon-Gotha court advisor to Muskau.

He studied in Jena and Gießen, became court master of the Count Callenberg family in Muskau in Upper Lusatia in 1760 and accompanied the young Count Callenberg on their travels, as well as the Russian Count von Golowkin. From 1780 he lived as a private scholar in Muskau . In 1782 he became a member of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences in Görlitz.

In 1769, Röhde published a French translation of Wieland's Musarion , which appeared in Lausanne . He also left behind three pamphlets on the education of young people, a memorandum on Count Herrmann von Callenberg and several articles, all of which appeared between 1794 and 1800 in the journals of the Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Görlitz.

At times he gave private tuition to a select group of young people, including Leopold Schefer and Hermann von Pückler as well as his sons .


Bernd-Ingo Friedrich : "Johann Justus von Röhde (1737-1812)." In: Oberlausitzer Heimatblätter . Via Regia Publisher: Olbersdorf, Heft 48/2016; Pp. 3-16. ISSN 2196-0496.