Johann Ludolph Schädler

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Johann Ludolph Schädler (* 1703 in Hanover ; † November 25, 1773 there ) was a German goldsmith and court jeweler .


On March 12, 1734, Johann Ludolph Schädler, as a trained gold worker, took the citizenship oath of the city of Hanover. A good two decades later he was elected head of the goldsmith's office.

In 1755, according to the Hanover advertisements for all kinds of things from May 26th of that year , Schädler was told by the gold worker “Ihro Königl. Majesty [...] zu Dero " Electoral Braunschweig-Lüneburgischer and Royal Great Britain " Hof-Jubelier "" most graciously appointed. "

Three of Schädler's children died before him in 1737, 1746, 1752 and two in 1758, one daughter died in 1762 at the age of 23. Schadler himself died in 1773; the funeral ceremony took place in the market church of Hanover.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wolfgang Scheffler : Johann Ludolph Schädler , in the: Goldsmiths of Lower Saxony. Dates, works, characters , half volume 1: Aerzen - Hamburg , Berlin: de Gruyter, 1965, p. 731; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. ^ A b Hannoversche advertisements of all kinds of things, the announcement of which is necessary and useful for the common being , 42nd edition of Monday, May 26th 1755, year 1755, Hanover: Heinrich Ernst Christoph Schlueter, 1756, [without page number]; Digitized