Johann Moritz Richter (architect, 1620)

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Johann Moritz Richter (* 1620 in Weimar ; † 1667 ) was a German architect and etcher of the Baroque era .

Grave of Johann Moritz Richter

Johann Moritz Richter was the son of the Weimar court painter Christian Richter (1587–1667) and, as a princely Saxon master builder in Weimar, designed the Sternbrücke , built between 1651 and 1654 as the oldest surviving bridge in Weimar, which spans the park on the Ilm . Furthermore, he created the plans for the no longer preserved Wilhelmsburg in Weimar. During his lifetime the three-winged palace complex was called "Hornstein". This burned down in 1774 and was replaced by the new construction of the current Weimar City Palace, which was only fully completed under Maria Pawlowna .

Richter was also involved in the construction of the residential palace in Zeitz and the Neu-Augustusburg palace in Weißenfels . For Neu-Augustusburg he designed the building concept on behalf of Duke August von Sachsen-Weißenfels . His son of the same name Johann Moritz Richter worked both in Zeitz and in Weißenfels after his father died in 1667. Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha is still one of Richter's main works . He is buried in the Jacobsfriedhof Weimar .

His sons Johann Moritz Richter d. J. (1647–1705) and Christian Richter (1655–1722) were also architects and builders. Johann Moritz Richter the Elder J. completed the construction of Moritzburg Castle in Zeitz .


  • Richter, Joh. Moritz . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 28 : Ramsden-Rosa . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1934, p. 295-296 .
  • Frank Boblenz : On the environment of the Zeitz castle builder and engineer Johann Moritz Richter (1620–1667). In: The Saxon roots of the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the role of the Saxony-Zeitz secondary school. Halle 1997, pp. 51–72 ( contributions to regional and state culture of Saxony-Anhalt. 5).
  • Frank Boblenz: "educated in engineering and brought him [...] so far that he understood something fine". On the training and work of the Weimar master builder Johann Moritz Richter (1620–1667). In: Weimar letter. 2/2008. Pp. 86-91.

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