Johann Peters (theologian)

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Johann Peters (also Johannes or Jean Peters ; born October 4, 1831 in Beyren , † September 21, 1897 in Pfaffenthal ) was a Luxembourgish Roman Catholic clergyman and theologian .


Peters completed the high school classes at the Athénée de Luxembourg (Athenaeum) from 1846 to 1852 , the philosophy course in 1852 and 1853 and then entered the Luxembourg seminary in autumn 1853. He studied until 1856 theology and was on August 29, 1856 in Trier by Bishop Wilhelm Arnoldi for ordained priests . He then continued his theology studies at the University of Bonn , where he also studied law . From Bonn he moved to Rome for further studies . He stayed there until 1859 and was promoted to Dr. iur. utr. PhD .

On June 22nd, 1859, Peters received a position as vicar at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Luxembourg . On November 28, 1861 he became a professor at the Luxembourg seminary for liturgy, patrology and church history as well as German and French literature and on April 7, 1878 also its subregens . On April 2, 1879 he became cathedral chapter , in 1880 a member of the board of trustees of the Luxembourg Athenaeum and in 1881 a member of the school commission.

Peters was one of the founding members of the Association for Luxembourg History, Art and Literature in 1894 , and from 1895 he was also President of the Section historique de 1 'Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg . On his way home from the 4th International Catholic Scientific Congress from Freiburg im Üechtland he caught a cold, of which he died shortly afterwards in Luxembourg.

Peters was buried on September 25, 1897 in the cemetery of his hometown.

Works (selection)

  • The episcopal ordination. Brief explanations of the ceremonies at the ordinance, by a priest of the Apostolic Vicariate Luxembourg , Luxembourg 1863.
  • The teaching of St. Cyprian of the unity of the church in relation to the two schisms in Carthage and Rome. Dogma-historical study from the middle of the third century , Luxembourg 1870.
  • Saint Cyprian of Carthage, bishop, church father and martyr of Christ, represented in his life and work. Dogma-historical study , Regensburg 1877.
  • Sebastian Franz de Blanchart and his Luxembourg Chronicle . In: Publications de la Société pour la Recherche et la Conservation des Monuments Historiques dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (PSH), Volume 46 (1898), pp. 107-218.
