Johann Plenge

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Johann Max Emanuel Plenge (born June 7, 1874 in Bremen , † September 11, 1963 in Munster ) was a German sociologist , economist and important propaganda researcher. He was a student of Karl Bücher , professor of political science and economics at the Westphalian Wilhelms University and, among other things, the doctoral supervisor of Kurt Schumacher .


Johann Plenge was one of the German intellectuals who, in the course of the August experience in 1914, saw the First World War as an opportunity to overcome social conflicts and rifts, and in this context coined terms such as “ Volksgemeinschaft ” and the specifically German values ​​and virtues, the “ Ideas of 1914 “. In his 1920 work on the political value of Judaism , Plenge took anti-Semitic standpoints.

He was a social democrat and was close to the rather conservative Lensch-Cunow-Haenisch group within the SPD .

At the University of Münster , he ran a "Political Science Institute" that carried out propaganda research. The coffee manufacturer Ludwig Roselius financed this institute in 1921 with 250,000 Reichsmark share capital, 30,000 Marks for basic purchases and a further 100,000 Reichsmarks for the operation of the first five years.

Plenge retired prematurely in 1935 and against his will . In university archives of the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster are its extensive personnel files.

Works (selection)

  • Westerwald peddlers and house-goers , Duncker & Humblot (= publications of the Association for Socialpolitik 78), Leipzig 1898
  • Creation and history of the Crédit Mobilier. Two chapters from investment banks, an introduction to the theory of the investment banking business (= Habilitation Leipzig), Laupp, Tübingen 1903 (Reprint: Detlev Auvermann, Glashütten im Ts. 1976)
  • Marx and Hegel , Laupp, Tübingen 1911
  • From discount policy to rule over the money market , Springer, Berlin 1913
  • The war and the national economy , Borgmeyer, Münster 1915
  • 1789 and 1914: The Symbolic Years in the History of the Political Spirit , Springer, Berlin 1916
  • The revolutionization of the revolutionaries , Der Neue Geist, Leipzig 1918
  • To deepen socialism , Der Neue Geist, Leipzig 1919
  • On the political value of Judaism , Essen 1920 ( PDF Uni Frankfurt )
  • German Propaganda , [1922], ²1965
  • The maturity of the West , Robert Kämmerer, Düsseldorf 1948
  • Cogito ergo sumus . A selection from the scriptures. Ed. by Hanns Linhardt, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964


  • Klaus Ansorg: Johann Plenges conceptions of socialism and their reception in the social democracy during the First World War , RG Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1984, ISBN 3-88323-546-6 .
  • Werner Bode: The presentation of the organizational teachings by Johann Plenge and Heinrich Nicklisch and the consideration of these teachings with regard to the organizational theory of the Mannheim company in 1965, DNB 481297375 Zugl. Dissertation University of Economics Mannheim July 27, 1965.
  • Steffen Bruendel : Volksgemeinschaft or Volksstaat. The "Ideas of 1914" and the reorganization of Germany in the First World War , Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-05-003745-8 .
  • Michael Busch: Organization through propaganda. On the justification for influencing the masses in Johann Plenge , in: Medien und Zeit, 22.2007, H 2, pp. 15-30.
  • Michael Busch: The civil engineer Johann Plenge (1874–1963) (publications of the University Archives Münster, 13), Münster: Aschendorff 2019 ISBN 978-3-402-15895-1 .
  • Sara-Marie Demiriz: From the "Ideas of 1914". The political scientist Johann Plenge and his institutes at the University of Münster , in: Hans-Ulrich Thamer et al. (Hrsg.): The University of Münster in National Socialism. Continuities and breaks between 1920 and 1960 (publications by the Münster University Archives, 5), Münster: Aschendorff 2012, ISBN 978-3-402-15884-5 , pp. 1083–1112.
  • Sara-Marie Demiriz: In memory of Johann Plenge , 2017, memorial sheet as part of the project "floor talk" , accessed on November 24, 2017.
  • Manfred Hermanns : Social ethics through the ages. Schöningh, Paderborn 2006, ISBN 978-3-506-72989-7 , in particular pp. 125-127, 132-143.
  • Peter Hoeres : The war of the philosophers. German and British philosophy in the First World War . 2004 ISBN 978-3-506-71731-3 .
  • Dirk KaeslerPlenge, Johann Max Emanuel. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-428-00201-6 , p. 530 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Joachim Müller: The “Ideas of 1914” from Johann Plenge and in contemporary discussions. A contribution to the history of ideas of the First World War. Ars Una, Neuried 2001, ISBN 3-89391-116-2 .
  • Konrad Pfaff : Johann Plenge on his 75th birthday. In: Journal for Philosophical Research. Vol. 5, H. 1 (1950), pp. 121-126.
  • Bernhard Schäfers : Plenge, Johann. In: Wilhelm Bernsdorf , Horst Knospe (Ed.): Internationales Soziologenlexikon. Volume 1: Articles on sociologists who died by the end of 1969. 2. rework. Ed. Enke, Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-432-82652-4 , p. 333 ff.
  • Bernhard Schäfers (ed.): Sociology and socialism. Organization and propaganda . Treatises on the life's work of Johann Plenge . Preface Leopold von Wiese ; Appendix: Johann Plenge, Obtinence and Reality . Enke, Stuttgart 1967.
  • Leopold von Wiese : Memories of Johann Plenge. Cologne journal for sociology and social psychology , 15, 4, 1963 (also as a special edition).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thyme Bussemer: Propaganda: Concepts and Theories . Wiesbaden 2008, p. 117. online

Web links