Johann Polatzek

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Johann Polatzek (* around 1838 or 1839 ; † February 17, 1927 in Vienna - Lainz ) was an Austrian kuk captain and ornithologist .


The Gran Canaria finch ( Fringilla polatzeki ) was named by Ernst Hartert after Johann Polatzek, who discovered it in 1905

From 1894 to 1900 Polatzek toured the Balkans, from 1902 to 1905 the Canary Islands and in 1910 the Pityuses . Of these expeditions, his two and a half year stay on all the larger islands of the Canary Archipelago was scientifically the most productive. He discovered some new bird taxa there , including the extinct Lanzarote chiffchaff ( Phylloscopus canariensis exsul ), the subspecies Calandrella rufescens polatzeki of the Stummelche , the Gran Canaria finch ( Fringilla polatzeki ) (formerly a subspecies of the Teydefink ( Fringilla teydea ) today a separate species) and Buteo buteo lanzaroteae , now a synonym for the Canary Buzzard subtype Buteo buteo insularum . By him in 1910 in Ibiza discovered form Galerida theklae polatzeki is now considered synonymous with the nominate the Theklalerche ( Galerida theklae theklae ). In volumes 19 and 20 of the Ornithological Yearbooks, he published his work Die Vögel der Canaren in 1908 and 1909 , in which 82 species and subspecies are treated. Around 1500 of Polatzek's abundant bird hide are in the Natural History Museum Vienna and another part in the Natural History Museum at Tring . David Armitage Bannerman acquired 346 bellows for the Natural History Museum in London in 1920 . Occasionally Polatzek also collected beetles and butterflies.

Bannerman described him as a top field observer and an experienced taxidermist . In contrast, his work as a systematist was of less importance , which is explained by the fact that he lacked a closer connection to European museums.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ludwig Gebhardt: Die Ornithologen Mitteleuropas. AULA-Verlag, Wiebelsheim 2006, ISBN 3-89104-680-4 , pp. 278-279
  2. a b Bo Beolens, Michael Grayson, Michael Watkins: The Eponym Dictionary of Birds. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014.
  3. Johann Polatzek: The birds of the Canaries. Ornithological Yearbook, 1908, Volume 19, Issues 3 and 4, pp. 81-97 (introduction); Pp. 97–119 (resident birds and breeding birds); Issue 5 and 6, pp. 162–197 (resident birds and breeding birds, continued); Ornithological Yearbook, 1909, Volume 20, Issues 1 and 2, pp. 1–24 (resident birds and breeding birds, continued); Issues 3 and 4, pp. 117-134 (migratory birds and exceptional phenomena); Issues 5 and 6, pp. 202–210 (supplements, additions and concluding remarks).
  4. ^ Ernst Bauernfeind: The Vienna Bird Collection: History and Main Research Focus In: Bonner zoological contributions Volume 51 (2002) Issue 2/3. Bonn, September 2003. p. 148.
  5. a b David A. Bannerman: Obituary: Johann Polatzek In Ibis Volume 12 Issue 3, 1927, pp. 530-531.
  6. Hans Rebel : Fifth contribution to the lepidopteran fauna of the Canaries. In: Annals of the KK Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum. Edited by Dr. Franz Steindachner, XXI. Volume, 1906. p. 22