Hans Oscar Juel

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Hans Oscar Juel (born June 17, 1863 in Stockholm , † July 3, 1931 , probably in Uppsala ) was a Swedish botanist and mushroom expert . His botanical-mycological author's abbreviation is " Juel ".


Juel studied at Stockholm University until 1881 and received his doctorate in 1890 with studies on the rheotropism of roots at Uppsala University . “Rheotropism” describes the behavior towards running water. From 1892 he taught in Uppsala as a university lecturer, where he became an associate professor in 1902 and finally in 1907 a full professor (for botany?). The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences elected him a member in 1911.


Found in the Uppsala University Library catalog ; supplemented from the Botanisches Centralblatt .

  • Contribution to the knowledge of the skin tissue of the roots. Kungl Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 9 (9) / 1884.
  • Contributions to the anatomy of the Marcgraviaceen. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 12 (3: 5) / 1887.
  • Muciporus and the Tulasnellaceae family. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 23 (3:12) / 1897. Bot Centralblatt 74/1898: 116-117.
  • The Ustilaginees and Uredinees of the first Regnell expedition. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 23 (3:10) / 1897. Referred to in: Supplement Bot Centralbl 7/1898: pp. 411–412.
  • Stilbum vulgare Tode: a previously unrecognized basidiomycete. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 24 (3: 9) / 1898. Supplements Bot Centralbl 9/1900: p. 426.
  • Parthenogenesis in Antennaria alpina (L) R. Br. Preliminary communication. Bot Centralblatt 74/1898: pp. 369-372.
  • The nuclear division in the basidia and the phylogeny of the basidiomycetes. In: Pringsheims Jahrbücher 32/1898: p. 361 ff. Refereed in: Bot Centralblatt 77/1899: pp. 267–269.
  • Studies on the rheotropism of the roots. Yearbooks Wiss Bot 34/1900: pp. 507-538.
  • Comparative studies on typical and parthenogenetic reproduction in the genus Antennaria. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl Ny följd 33 (5) / 1900: pp. 1–59. Bot Centralblatt 86/1901: pp. 123-125.
  • Pyrrhosorus, a new genus of marine mushrooms. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 26 (3:14) / 1901: pp. 1–16. Referred to in: Bot Centralblatt 89/1902: pp. 539-540.
  • The tetrad divisions in Taraxacum and other chicories. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl Ny följd 39 (4) / 1905.
  • Studies on the history of development of Hippuris vulgaris. Kungl Vetenskapssocieteten Uppsala. Nova acta ... Ser. 4: 2 (11) / 1911.
  • Linnaeus microscope. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 7 (2) / 1913: pp. 196-201.
  • Early investigations of North American flora, with special reference to Linnaeus and Kalm. Svenska Linné-sällskapets årsskrift 3/1920: pp. 61–79.
  • Cytological fungal studies. Kungl Vetenskapssocieteten Uppsala. Nova acta ... Ser. 4: 4 (6) / 1916; 5 (5) / 1921.
  • About the flower anatomy of some rosaceae. Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis Ser. 4: Extra volume 1927: p. 31.
  • Contributions to the morphology and development history of the Rhamnaceae. K Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handl 23 (3: 7: 3) / 1929, pp. 1–13.


Juel and Eduard Strasburger were among the pioneers who researched parthenogenesis , the development of a plant from an unfertilized egg, in botany . Through this type of reproduction, Gregor Mendel's experiments with hawk herbs found explanatory confirmation: some hierarchies can "develop germinable fruits both parthenogenetically and after fertilization".

For zoology, Charles Bonnet had already described the maiden generation in 1740.


John Axel Nannfeldt named the smut fungus Exobasidium juelianum after Juel in 1981 . The plant genus Juelia Aspl. from the family of the Balanophoraceae is named after him.


Carl Skottsberg : Oscar Juel. In: Reports of the German Botanical Society , Volume 49/1931: pp. 145–148.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Walter Erhardt among others: The great pikeperch. Encyclopedia of Plant Names . Volume 2, page 1965. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2008. ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7
  2. ^ Fritz C Werner: Word elements of Latin-Greek technical terms in the biological sciences. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 64, 1972. → p. 358.
  3. Carol Ann McCormick (Ed.) 2013: Website University Department of North Carolina Herbarium ( online )
  4. HO Juel: Parthenogenesis in Antennaria alpina (L) R. Br. Provisional communication. In: Bot Centralblatt 74/1898: pp. 369–372.
  5. ^ HO Juel: Comparative studies on typical and parthenogenetic reproduction in the genus Antennaria. In: Kgl Svenska Vetenskapsakad Handlingar Ny följd 33 (5) / 1900: pp. 1–59. Bot Centralblatt 86/1901: pp. 123-125.
  6. ^ Carl Correns: Addenda by the editor. There p. 249 in: Carl Correns (Hg): Gregor Mendel's letters to Carl Nägeli 1866–1873: An addendum to the published attempts at hybridization by Mendel. In: Treatises of the mathematical-physical class of the royal. Saxon Society of Sciences 29/1905: pp. 189–265.
  7. Gian A. Nogler: The lesser-known Mendel: His experiments on Hieracium. In: Genetics 172/2006: pp. 1-6. → “Only years after the pioneering embryological investigations of parthenogenesis by Juel (1898 und 1900) was it eventually realized that the genetic basis underlying the reproduction of Pisum and Hieracium is exactly the same! In fact, the two 'types' differ from each other only regarding their modes of reproduction, or more precisely, their embryo formation. "
  8. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]