Johann Sallaberger

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Johann Sallaberger (born June 11, 1938 in Hallein ; † August 1, 2016 ) was an Austrian Roman Catholic church historian .


After attending commercial school , he initially worked as a trained office clerk . From 1959 he attended the advanced high school of the Benedictines in Lambach , where he graduated with honors in 1963. He then taught from 1963 to 1967 as a contract teacher at the Ried / Innkreis commercial academy and business school. From 1965 he studied Catholic theology, history and classical philology at the University of Salzburg and received his doctorate in 1973 Sub auspiciis Praesidentis for a doctorate in philosophy with a thesis on the Augustinian hermits in the archbishopric of Salzburg in the 17th century.

As early as 1971 he was employed as a contract employee at the former Institute for Philosophy at the University of Salzburg and in 1973 he became a university assistant at the former Institute for Church History and Patrology of the Catholic Theological Faculty. With his habilitation in 1987, he was awarded the license to teach ( venia docendi ) in the subject of church history of the Middle Ages and modern times, with special attention to the church history . In 1979 he became an associate professor appointed.

Johann Sallaberger was an excellent and inexhaustible connoisseur of the history of the Reformation and Baroque periods, in particular of the Salzburg-Bavarian region. With his scientific work on Martin Luther's mentor , later abbot of St. Peter, Johann von Staupitz , as well as on the European Chancellor Emperor Maximilians and Salzburg Archbishop Cardinal Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg (16th century), he wrote pioneering works that drew from an abundance of source material that he had only developed. Even after his retirement he was regularly in the library in the department of Biblical Studies and Church History, took part in scientific symposia and did research in the archives of the Archdiocese of Salzburg .

Since 1968 he was a member of the Catholic student union KÖHV Rupertina Salzburg in the ÖCV .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Augustinian hermits in the archbishopric of Salzburg in the 17th century (= Studia Augustiniana historica . Volume 5). Ed. "Analecta Augustiniana", Rome 1977, OCLC 46838474 (also dissertation, Salzburg 1973).
  • Cardinal Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg (1468–1540). Statesman and prince of the church in the age of renaissance, reformation and peasant wars . Pustet, Salzburg / Munich 1997, ISBN 3-7025-0353-6 (also habilitation thesis, Salzburg 1987).

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