Johann Sutel

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Johann Sutel (* around 1504 in Morschen ; † August 26, 1575 in Northeim ) was a Protestant theologian and reformer .


In 1518 he began to study in Erfurt and after completing these studies became rector of the Latin school in Melsungen . From this position, he did not have an ecclesiastical office before, he was called to Göttingen , where Heinrich Winkel had started the Reformation movement. Sutel was the first permanent Protestant pastor in the city at St. Nikolai and was also appointed superintendent in Göttingen .

He has five writings: among them the articles against the papal people in Göttingen , The Gospel of the cruel, terrible destruction of Jerusalem , for which Martin Luther wrote a preface, and other canonical writings. At the instigation of Landgrave Philipp , he went to Schweinfurt in 1542 to secure the Reformation there. Its effectiveness was particularly successful there. In 1543 he wrote the church ordinance of an honorable council of St. Reichsstadt Schweinfurt in Franconia and also published sermons on John 11.

After the catastrophe of the Schmalkaldic War , he had to flee Schweinfurt, while his wife stayed behind with the large number of children and died after another childbirth. After a short stay in Allendorf, he was able to go back to Göttingen, where he held office at St. Albani until 1555 . While the superintendent Joachim Mörlin was dismissed for the sake of the Augsburg interim and Anton Corvinus languished in dungeon, he tried to lead the community through the difficult times. But for the sake of the adversities he had to endure, he accepted a call to Northeim in 1555, where he worked until his death.

The Hanoverian sculptor Jeremias Sutel is probably his grandson.


  • Kretzschmar:  Sutell, Johannes . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 37, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, p. 196 f.
  • Real Encyclopedia for Protestant Theology and Church . Volume 19 p. 176.
  • Paul Tschackert : Johann Sutel . In: Journal of the Society for Lower Saxony Church History 2, 1897, pp. 1–140.
  • Willibald Beyschlag : On the life story of the Schweinfurt reformer Johann Sutel . In: Journal of the Society for Lower Saxony Church History, 2, 1897, pp. 91–99.
  • L. Crossbow: The reformer Johann Sutel . In: Hessenland 16, 1902, pp. 154, 173, 201.
  • Paul Tschackert: On the correspondence of Johann Sutel . In: Journal of the Society for Lower Saxony Church History, 15, 1910, p. 233.