Anton Corvinus

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Antonius Corvinus (born February 27, 1501 or April 11, 1501 in Warburg in the Principality of Paderborn ; † April 5, 1553 in Hanover ) was a Lutheran theologian , Lower Saxony reformer and state superintendent in the Principality of Calenberg-Göttingen .


Anton Corvinus, 1501–1553
Anton Corvinus, 1546

His parents cannot be identified exactly. Corvinus is very likely an illegitimate son of Lippold Rabe von Canstein , canon in Paderborn and burgrave of Warburg with NN Cythogallus (called: Bierhahn, Latin: cervisia, beer and gallus, the cock). He calls himself Antonius Rabe (Latin: corvus, the raven) and Anton Räbener and until 1536 Antonius Zythogallus , Antonius Bierhahn or Antonius Broihan . It is also permanently sealed with the coat of arms of the Raven von Canstein (provided with a bastard beam), the crowned black, left-walking (heraldic: right-walking) raven.

According to some reports, Corvinus became a Cistercian monk in Loccum in 1519 , others in Riddagshausen ; he left whatever monastery in 1523 when he became a follower of Lutheran doctrine. He studied as a student of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon in Wittenberg . Later he was pastor in Goslar (1528) and Witzenhausen (1529). He wrote the first Calenberg church ordinance in 1540 , was an advisor to Landgrave Philip of Hesse and later the Dowager Duchess Elisabeth and, under her protection, introduced the Reformation in Northeim , Hildesheim (1541, together with Johannes Bugenhagen ) and Calenberg in 1539 . In 1542 Corvinus became pastor in Pattensen and Superintendent General of the Principality of Braunschweig-Calenberg.

The Catholic sovereign Erich II accepted the Augsburg interim of the Catholic emperor in 1548 . At the Lutheran Synod of Münden in 1549 Anton Corvinus and the Pattens preacher Walter Hoiker (also known as the stool), together with 140 clergymen, bitterly opposed the interim. Thereupon Erich II put Anton Corvinus and Walter Hoiker in custody on November 2, 1549 in the fortress Calenberg in order to force them and the other clergy to accept the interim. The prisoners were well looked after, were able to receive and answer mail and speak to their visitors through an open window. Later after the Passau Treaty , when the Kaiser had declared the interim invalid and Erich II had fallen out of favor with him, Erich II released the two prisoners on October 21, 1552.

Subsequently, Anton Corvinus was pastor at the Aegidienkirche in Hanover. Docter Corvynus died on April 5th, 1553 in Hanover and was carried to burial in S.Georgii churches by 8 preachers from the country, and was buried on the choir in front of the altar, his age 52 years. He had two sons and three daughters.


The Corvinianum grammar school in Northeim and numerous churches are named after Anton Corvin .


Web links

Commons : Antonius Corvinus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Inge Mager, Antonius Corvin. From Loccumer monk to reformer. In: New research on the Cistercian monastery Loccum, ed. by Ludolf Ulrich and Simon Sosnitza, ISBN 978-3-943025-21-7 , pp. 170–190.
  2. Otto Juergens: Hannoversche Chronik . 1907, p. 186