Johann Theodor Herold

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Johann Theodor Herold (* around 1660 ; † November 26, 1720 in Mainz ) was a German lutenist and composer of the Baroque period .


Herold, a lute virtuoso, was employed as a chancellor at the Bamberg court from 1680 and followed Lothar Franz von Schönborn to Mainz in 1694. In his administrative career he rose to the position of court clerk.

On October 29, 1696, Herold was appointed valet and court music director in Mainz by Lothar Franz von Schönborn . 1702 he dedicated the three suites existing Lautentabulatur Harmonia quadripartita the Roman-German King Joseph I. The occasion of the conquest of Landau in September 1702 wrote Cantata qua victoria et reditus del gran filio d'augusto is credited. Herold died in Mainz in 1720.

Herold's daughter, trained by her father, was also a lutenist at the Mainz court.


  • Harmonia quadripartita (1702)
  • Cantata qua victoria et reditus del gran filio d'augusto. Sinfonia (1702; attributed)


Individual evidence

  1. Linda Maria Koldau : Women - Music - Culture. A handbook on the German-speaking area of ​​the early modern period , Böhlau, Cologne 2005, ISBN 3-412-24505-4 , p. 520.
  2. ^ A b Arno Paduch : The Mainzer Hofkapelle and the musical arrangement of the Frankfurt election and coronation masses. In: Ludolf Pelizaeus (Ed.): Election and coronation in times of upheaval. Peter Land, Frankfurt am Main 2008, ISBN 978-3-631-56345-8 , p. 119.