Johann Wilhelm von Fürth

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Johann Wilhelm von Fürth (born September 20, 1648 in Aachen ; † September 3, 1698 there ) was aldermen and mayor of the imperial city of Aachen .

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Johann Wilhelm von Fürth was the son of the burgrave of Heimbach Peter von Fürth and Sophia Katharina von Heisteren. He studied at the University of Pont-à-Mousson and went on study trips to Vienna . After his return to Aachen, he joined the Star Guild in 1671, the professional representative of the Aachen lay judges, and was sworn in as a lay judge a year later. In 1680 his one-time term of office as mayor of the city of Aachen followed, which he completed together with Nikolaus Schörer, the “mayor” from the ranks of the guilds. During this period, von Fürth was mainly entrusted with the reform of the Aachen Gaffelbrief , which, however, did not bring any significant changes compared to earlier versions.

While he was still in office, von Fürth was appointed by the council as secular lay judge at the Aachen Sendgericht . After his time as mayor, between 1685 and 1698 he was elected ten times to the “Great Council” of the city of Aachen, which was responsible for general affairs, judged life and death and elected the new council members. In addition, he joined the Sacramentary Brotherhood of St. Foillan as early as 1680 and took on the honorary office of commissioner both there and at the Alexian Cooperative . In addition, in 1684 the star guild elected him their Greve .

Johann Wilhelm von Fürth was married to Adelheid von Stückger († 1687), widow of the Aachen Vogtmeiers Johann Goswin von Nickel and heiress of Lemiers Castle , from 1669 , whereby the castle was transferred to the von Fürth family, who owned it until 1807. Furthermore, through the estate of the deceased first husband of his wife, von Fürth came to the St. Adalbert manor in Vaals with the associated lordly rights as well as to several real estate and lands within the city of Aachen. After the death of his first wife in 1687, von Fürth married Clara Maria Heufft (1651–1691) in 1688, but she died four years later. Finally, in 1693 he married Maria Katharina von Mumm († 1715), who gave birth to his son Franz von Fürth , who succeeded his father in the jury and held the office of mayor several times, and in 1773 with the designation "Freiherr von Brewer, called von Fürth “was raised to the hereditary imperial baron status.

Johann Wilhelm von Fürth died on September 3, 1698 and his third wife on September 10, 1715. A portrait of Johann Wilhelm von Fürth and his two last wives as well as a mortuary tablet of him and his third wife are in the possession of the descendants of the von family Fürth at Kasteel Rivieren in Klimmen in the municipality of Voerendaal near Heerlen , which his son Franz had inherited from the Schrick family through his marriage to Anna Maria Schrick (1693–1759) and which remained in the family until 1910.


  • Luise Freiin von Coels von der Brügghen : The lay judges of the Royal See of Aachen from the earliest times until the final repeal of the imperial city constitution in 1798 . In: Journal of the Aachen History Association . No. 50 . Publishing house of the Aachen History Association , Aachen 1928, p. 413-417 ( online on rootsweb ).

Individual evidence

  1. History of Kasteel Rivieren (ndl.)