Johannes-Friedrich Zimmermann

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Johannes-Friedrich Zimmermann (born April 28th July / 10th May  1882 greg. , † August 24th 1942 in Sverdlovsk , Soviet Union ) was an Estonian politician.

Early years

Johannes-Friedrich Zimmermann was born as the son of farmers Karl (1855–1935) and Mai Zimmermann (1860–1928) in the governorate of Livonia . He attended the Russian-speaking Alexander School near Põltsamaa and the renowned Hugo-Treffner-Gymnasium in Tartu . Zimmermann then studied animal breeding at the Veterinary Institute in Tartu. He quickly made a name for himself there as a scientist.


With the proclamation of Estonia's state independence in 1918, Zimmermann went into the politics of the young republic. He was a member of the Constituent Assembly ( Asutav Kogu ) in 1919/20 . He then belonged to the Estonian Parliament ( Riigikogu ) in all five legislative periods between the wars.

From 1926 to 1929 Zimmermann was President of the Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia ( Riigikontrolör ).

From July 1929 to February 1931 Zimmermann held the office of Minister of Economics in the cabinet of Prime Minister Otto Strandman . Zimmermann was the first incumbent, as economic issues were previously dealt with by the finance and trade ministers. He held the same office from July to November 1932 in the cabinet of Karl Eindund . From May to October 1933 Zimmerman was Estonian Minister of Agriculture in the coalition government of Jaan Tõnisson .

Zimmermann belonged to the social democratic Estonian Labor Party ( Eesti Tööerakond ), then to the " Settlers Association ". The Agrarian Party mainly represented the interests of the Estonian smallholders.


After the Soviet occupation of Estonia, Zimmermann was arrested on June 14, 1941 and taken to the interior of Russia. He was executed a year later in Sverdlovsk prison. Zimmermann was 60 years old.

Private life

Johannes-Friedrich Zimmermann was married to Ilse Felicitas Zimmermann (née Olev). The couple had a daughter and two sons.