Johannes Abezier

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Johannes Abezier (* around 1375 in Thorn ; † February 11, 1424 in Heilsberg ) was a theologian and prince-bishop of Warmia in the 15th century.


Johannes came from Thorn , Kulmerland in Prussia and studied theology at Prague University . In 1398 he was admitted to the baccalaureate and then enrolled at the Faculty of Law with the note natio Polonorum ("Polish Nation"), to which East German students (from Silesia and Prussia) have been registered since the disputes and division of the University of Prague.

In 1401 Abezier passed the master’s examination and later became Doctor Decretorum and Auditor Rotae . In 1411 he is documented as provost of Frombork in Warmia. In this capacity he took part in an embassy of the Teutonic Order to Ofen in 1412 , which, through the mediation of King Sigismund, was supposed to settle a dispute between the Teutonic Order and the Kingdom of Poland .

In 1415 Johannes traveled to the Council of Constance as an envoy of the Prussian bishops and prelates, together with the Riga Archbishop Johannes von Wallenrode . In the same year John was made Bishop of Warmia . On October 13, 1418 he took part in negotiations between the Teutonic Order and the Kingdom of Poland in "Welunen" ( Veliuona ). As bishop of Warmia he is attested until 1424.


predecessor Office successor
Heinrich Heilsberg from Vogelsang Bishop of Warmia
Franz cow lard