Johannes Baazius the Elder

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Johannes Baazius the Elder Ä. (actually Joannes or Jöns Bengtsson Baaz ; * July 12, 1581 in Gårdsby , Småland , † January 14, 1649 in Växjö ) was a Swedish Lutheran theologian and bishop of Växjö .


Baazius, a son of pastor Benedictus Johannis Baazius, studied at the University of Uppsala and between 1605 and 1610 at German universities such as Wittenberg , Jena and Gießen . After his return he worked as a teacher in Växjö and was promoted to rector in 1613. When he was supposed to be offered a professorship at Uppsala University in 1624, King Gustav Adolf promoted him to pastor and provost in Jönköping instead . Proposed as bishop for Linköping as early as 1636 , he was appointed bishop in Växjö in 1647, but died after less than two years in this office.

His son Johannes Baazius the Younger became Archbishop of Uppsala in 1677 .


Baazius was a talented theologian who was allowed to give a speech in Gießen on the day of Luther's death as early as 1608 and who disputed under Johannes Winckelmann . As rector, he published several textbooks on biblical history. His best-known work is the Inventarium Ecclesiæ Sueogothorum (1642), the first account of Swedish church history. In the tradition of Johannes Magnus , he maintained a close connection between the Goths , the early Swedes and Old Testament Judaism.

He was also active in church politics. As a member of the Reichstag from 1625, he took a stand against the bishops on the side of the government, which sought to centralize church administration. In 1629 he published a petition ( Προσφωνησις ad rev. Episcopos ecclesiae Svecanae ) in which he accused the bishops of abuse of power and neglect of their duties. The dispute flared up again in 1636. Baazius' motives were evidently less a support of the state church program of the king, but his conviction, influenced by the German reform orthodoxy, that church life needed a reformation.

Fonts (selection)

  • De causis hæreseon et religionis sectarum, ad demonstrandam repvrgatæ religionis veritatem, loco debitæ parentationis B. Lutheri. In nova academia Giessena publice recitatum: the XIIX. februarii, anno obitus Lutheri 62 . Giessae Hassorum, Nicolaus Hampelius, 1608.
  • Disputatio Theologica, Contra primum errorem Gaspari Schwencofeldii, De Scriptura Sacra Ac Ministerio Praedicati Verbi Dei Ac Sacramentorum, Baptisimi & Coenae Dominicae . Giessae Hassorum, Nicolaus Hampelius, 1608.
  • Tabvla chronologica sacrorvm bibliorvm, continvvm designans tempvs gestorum, in totis biblijs descriptorum . Helmstedt 1618.
  • Harmonia evangelica, perspicuâ brevitate, integram historiam Jesu Christi, ... exhibens: sive et textum IV. Evangelistarum, ... Kalmar 1627.
  • Een kort och enfåldigh, but grundeligh Förklarning öffuer S. Johannis vppenbarelse, ... Kalmar 1629.


  • R. Holm: Joannes (Jöns) Baazius . In: Svenskt biografiskt lexikon 2, 1920, pp. 515 ff. ( ).
  • Hans Lundin: Joannes Baazius' kyrkliga reformprogram . Svenska kyrkans diakonistyrelses bokförlag, Stockholm 1944.
  • Baazius, Johan . In: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson (eds.): Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon . 2nd Edition. tape 1 : A-K . Albert Bonniers Verlag, Stockholm 1906, p. 56 (Swedish, ).

Individual evidence

  1. digitized version
  2. Ingun Montgomery: kyrkohistoria Sveriges . Volume 4: Enhetskyrkans tid . Stockholm 2002, pp. 56-58