Johannes Brinkman

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Assembly hall of the Theosophical Movement
Van Nelle factory
House Sonneveld
Feyenoord Stadium
Cruise Terminal

Johannes Andreas Brinkman (born March 22, 1902 in Rotterdam , Holland ; † May 6, 1949 there ) was a Dutch architect .


Brinkman studied in Delft and took over the office of his father Michiel Brinkman in 1925 . Leendert van der Vlugt had already worked there before, with whom he continued the partnership. The partners initially oriented themselves towards the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright , but then created the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam, one of the most famous buildings of the International Style . The functionalist Mart Stam , who worked for them as site manager, should reject this building as too stylish. The buildings for the Theosophists in Amsterdam (1927) and for Jiddu Krishnamurti in Ommen (1930) show the partners' interest in spiritual tasks.

Together with Willem van Tijen , they built the Bergpolderflats in Rotterdam in 1934 : one of the few minimal housing projects built before the Second World War and, as gallery apartments, groundbreaking for Dutch housing construction after 1945. These buildings are more functional than the previous ones. The same applies to the football stadium in Feyenoord Rotterdam (1935–1937), which 65,000 spectators can leave in just six minutes via 22 external steel stairs.

After van der Vlugts early death in 1936, Johannes van den Broek joined Brinkman's office and was involved in the planning for the Holland-America Line terminal .

Buildings in Rotterdam

Individual evidence

  1. Data from the tobacco factory van Nelle
  2. ^ Biography of Johannes Brinkman
  3. Floornature: Sonneveld House