Johannes Matthaeus

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Johannes Matthaeus (* 1526 in Schmalkalden ; † September 18, 1588 in Wittenberg ) was a German Protestant theologian.


Due to political circumstances, Matthew changed denominations several times. Originally a Lutheran, he professed Calvinist teachings from 1559. For this purpose, his bond as court preacher to the Count Palatine Friedrich III. (Palatinate) , who gave up his Lutheran position after being awarded the electoral dignity and joined the Calvinist teaching.

In 1567 he was called to Amberg as superintendent , where he was supposed to teach the Heidelberg Catechism. In 1572 he was released there because he could not convert enough Lutherans to Calvinism . On charges of Arianism and Calvinism, he was thrown in prison as a pastor in Schmalkalden in 1573 . In 1574 Matthaeus rejoined the Lutherans in Vienna and represented their position on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper. In 1581 he became a doctor of theology at the University of Wittenberg , professor of theology and took over the rectorate of the academy in the summer semester of 1582 .

Here he got caught up in a violent theological battle with Wolfgang Amling , which is documented by many publications . After the death of Elector August of Saxony , the cryptocalvinists gained influence in Wittenberg with the support of Chancellor Nikolaus Krell and were able to get Matthaeus released on September 2, 1588. The old man took this to heart so much that he died a few weeks later.


  • Tractatus de Unione personali et communicatione idiomatum
  • Concionum disposiciones in epistolas dominicales et feriarum
