Johannes Schläpfer (publisher)

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Johannes Schläpfer (born September 1, 1814 in Teufen , † July 19, 1872 in Trogen ; entitled to live in Rehetobel , honorary citizen of Trogen from 1870 ) was a Swiss printer , publisher and politician from the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden .


Johannes Schläpfer was the son of Leonhard Schläpfer, a Mousselin manufacturer , and Elsbetha Walser, widow of Bartholome Lutz. In 1846 he married Elsbeth Fässler, daughter of Michael Fässler, innkeeper . He entered into a second marriage in 1862 with Maria Katharina Schläpfer, daughter of Hans Heinrich Schläpfer, manufacturer and councilor. He completed an apprenticeship as a printer in St. Gallen . In 1835 and 1846, Schläpfer acquired the two Trogen book printers Meyer and Sturzenegger. This acquisition included the Appenzeller Zeitung , the Appenzeller monthly and the Appenzeller calendar . From then on he edited these. He had a temporary press monopoly in the canton. In 1852 he sold the Appenzeller Zeitung to his nephew Michael Schläpfer . From 1854 he printed the Appenzell Yearbooks and from 1862 to 1872 the Appenzeller Sunday newspaper . He was a councilor from 1847 to 1850 and from 1852 to 1862. From 1861 to 1863 he was a member of the Ausserrhoder Grand Council .


  • Walter Schläpfer: Press history of the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Herisau: Schläpfer 1978.

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