Johannes Zehender

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Johannes Zehender (after 1600 Johannes Decumanus ; * 1564 in Besigheim , † September 25, 1613 in Vienna ) was a Baden court preacher , later a Jesuit .


Zehender was the son of the governor of Besigheim. His mother was a sister of Eberhard Bidembach , the first Protestant abbot of the Bebenhausen monastery . From 1572 he attended the Besigheim Latin School. He then studied from 1579 at the University of Tübingen , where he obtained his master's degree in 1583 . He was initially a deacon in Durlach and then became court preacher to Margravine Anna , the widow of Karl II. After her death, he officiated as court preacher to her son Jakob III. and befriended the doctor and historian Johannes Pistorius . In 1590 he converted to Catholicism and became court preacher to Prince-Bishop and Cardinal Andreas of Austria in Constance . In the summer of 1591 he was ordained a priest . He enrolled on November 5, 1591 at the Papal Gregorian University and lived in the Collegium Germanicum . In 1595 he received his doctorate in Rome and accepted into the Jesuit order.

Zehender played an important role at the time of denominationalization . After 1600 he signed his writings with the Latinized name Decumanus . In 1601 he was a participant in the Regensburg Religious Discussion , later director of the Jesuit College in Vienna and preacher at St. Stephen's Cathedral . He died of the plague after taking care of those suffering from the plague .

Works (selection)

  • Dialogvs: A Christian, friendly, no less funny than useful conversation, from the present time, in many countries perceived, and many extremely difficult religious reformation , Angermayr, Ingolstadt 1601.
  • Brief summary of the relationship: Colloquio , Burgk, Closter 1602, which was partly held by theologians at Regenspurg newer time between the Catholic one and the Augsburg Confession .
  • Very useful / the original, however, the same sounding night print Zweyer Christl. Sermons / whose the first / of good works / the other / of the article / how the sinful man must be righteous before God / and eternally blissful / acts: So in Prague on the 4th and 5th Sunday after Trinity of the 1608th jars / Of honor. High gel. Mr. Polycarpo Leisern / the Holy Scripture Doctorn / and Churf. Saxon court pedagogues: Sampt attached Evangelical consideration of the same / with various prefaces / and at the end of both sermons / another (the somewhat unfair praefation of D. Leiser) strange explanation. , Angermeyer, Ingolstadt 1608.


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