John Hooper

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John Hooper (1495–1555)

John Hooper (* around 1495 in Somerset , † February 9, 1555 in Gloucester ) was an English Reformed theologian and reformer.


Hooper studied at Oxford . During this time, Ulrich Zwingli's writings made a great impression on him. When the persecution began in England , he escaped to France in 1539. Martin Bucer took care of him. In Zurich he joined Heinrich Bullinger in particular from 1547–1549 . After the death of Henry VIII he returned to England, became chaplain to Duke Edward Seymour of Somerset and one of the most popular preachers in the country.

But when he was about to become Bishop of Gloucester, difficulties arose, as he refused to put on ecclesiastical vestments and refused to take an oath on the Metropolitan. Thomas Cranmer called on Bucer and Peter Martyr Vermigli to provide expert opinions pleading for the recognition of ecclesiastical order.

Hooper did not allow himself to be appeased and spoke out against ordination and episcopal clothing in his sermons. He was then arrested. Now he changed his mind, took the oath and preached before King Edward VI. in episcopal regalia. It was consecrated in 1551. Since then he has administered in addition to the Diocese of Gloucester and that of Worcester . With great zeal he devoted himself to pastoral care and strictly adhered to church discipline. In 1555 he was one of the victims of the re-Catholicization of England. He died at the stake .

Remembrance day


Individual evidence

Web links

Commons : John Hooper  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files
predecessor Office successor
John Wakeman Bishop of Gloucester
James Brookes
Nicholas Heath Bishop of Worcester
Nicholas Heath