John Mundy

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John Mundy (also: Munday ) (born around 1555 ; died 1630 in Windsor ) was an English organist and composer . He was the son of the church musician and composer William Mundy (around 1529 to around 1591 ).


John Mundy was the organist at Eton College , in 1585 at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle . He earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 1586 and obtained his doctorate in music in 1624. He wrote vocal music (e.g. Songs and Psalmes , 1594) and instrumental music, particularly for the virginal .

Some of his works are included in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book . The collection of English madrigals, The Triumphs of Oriana , compiled by Thomas Morley , includes his Lightly she whipped o'er the dales ( she flew them quickly over the valleys ).

In the anthology of old and new music for piano ( Ricordi ) edited by Gino Tagliapietra , his Fantasia (the genre of program music ) and Goe from my window were included.

See also


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References and footnotes

  1. ^ Edward Francis Rimbault: Bibliotheca madrigaliana; a bibliographical account of the musical and poetical works pub. in England during the 16th-17th centuries under the titles of madrigals, ballads, ayres, canzonets. London 1847, p. 5 f.
  2. Tagliapietra, V
  3. Sound sample - text and translation
  4. sound sample (Martha Cook, harpsichord)
  5. Tagliapietra, p. 28 ff.