Jordi Galceran

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Jordi Galceran (2009)

Jordi Galceran Ferrer (born March 5, 1964 in Barcelona ) is a Catalan writer and translator.


Galceran studied Catalan Philology at the University of Barcelona . He writes in both Catalan and Spanish and has received numerous prizes and awards for his dramas. He lives in his native city of Barcelona.


Galceran has been publishing since 1994, and his international breakthrough came with the drama "The Grönholm Method" (2003), which was played in around 30 countries. Some of his dramas were translated into German by Stefanie Gerhold .

In addition to his work as a playwright, Galceran also works as a translator and journalist (for the daily La Vanguardia ).


  • 1994: Surf ("Surfing")
  • 1995: Paraules encadenades ("Words in Chains")
  • 1996: Dakota .
  • 1998: Fuita ("Escape")
  • 2003: El mètode Grönholm ("The Grönholm Method")
  • 2005: Carnaval ("Carnival")
  • 2007: Cancun
  • 2009: Fuga ("Adieu, Minister")
  • 2010: Burundanga ("The Truth Serum ")
  • 2013: El crèdit ("The Credit")

Film adaptations and scripts

So far, two dramas Galceras have been filmed, Paraules encandades under the Spanish title Palabras encadenadas (director: Laura Mañá , 2003) and El mètode Grönholm under the Spanish title El método (director: Marcelo Piñeyro , 2005). In 2002 Galceran wrote a musical about Antonio Gaudi with Albert Guinovart , and he also writes episodes for soap operas on Spanish television.

Web links

  • Biography at the publisher Felix Bloch Erben, Berlin