Jordi Rubió i Balaguer

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Jordi Rubió i Balaguer

Jordi Rubió i Balaguer (born January 30, 1887 in Barcelona , † July 25, 1982 ibid) was a Spanish librarian, Romanist and Catalan scholar .

life and work

Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, son of the classical philologist and Romanist Antoni Rubió y Lluch , studied in Barcelona and received his doctorate in Madrid with the thesis Consideraciones generales acerca de la historiografía catalana medio-eval y en particular de la crónica de Desclot . From 1911 to 1913 he was a Spanish lecturer at the University of Hamburg .

From 1914 to 1919 he was the first director of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. In 1919 he became professor of Spanish literature at the University of Barcelona , in 1925 (as his father's successor) professor of Catalan literature at the Estudis Universitaris Catalans , a university institution outside the University of Barcelona, founded in 1903 , as the latter refused to teach Catalan. From 1931 he taught at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​but was removed from office in 1939 by the anti-Catalan Franco dictatorship and took over the management of the Enciclopedia Salvat . From 1968 to 1970 he was director of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans .

After his death, Rubió's collected works were published in 14 volumes.

Rubió was a member of the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona (1957). He received numerous prizes and medals.

The librarian school Escola Universitària Jordi Rubió i Balaguer de Biblioteconomia i Documentació at the University of Barcelona bears his name.

Works (selection)

  • (Translator) Ludwig Pfandl , Historia de la literatura nacional española en la Edad de Oro , Barcelona 1933, 1952 (German original: History of Spanish national literature in its heyday , Freiburg 1929)
  • La cultura catalana , Barcelona 1964


  • Obres de Jordi Rubió i Balaguer , Montserrat / Barcelona 1984–2004 (collected works in 14 volumes)
    • Història de la literatura catalana, 3 vols., 1984–1986 (1, 3, 5)
    • Ramon Llull i el lul lisme, 1985 (2)
    • Vida española en la época gótica, 1985 (4)
    • Història i historiografia, 1987 (6)
    • Imprenta i llibreria a Barcelona, ​​1986
    • Il lustració i Renaixença, 1989 (7)
    • Humanisme i Renaixement, 1990 (8)
    • Mestres, companies i amics, 1991 (9)
    • Estudis de literatura catalana, 1992 (10)
    • Llibreters i impressors a la corona d'Aragó, 1993 (11)
    • Sobre biblioteques i biblioteconomia, 1995 (12)
    • Obra dispersa, 1999 (13)
    • Indexes de les obres de Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, 2004 (14)


  • Estudis de literatura catalana oferts a Jordi Rubió i Balaguer , ed. by Ramon Aramon i Serra , in: Estudis romànics 10–11, 1962 (with list of publications).
  • La Recerca as Països Catalans. Llibre d'homenatge a Jordi Rubió i Balaguer , Barcelona 1978.
  • Rosalia Guilleumas i Brosa, Amadeu-J. Soberanas i LLeó and Amadeu-J. Soberanas, Bibliografía y cronología de Jordi Rubió I Balaguer (1887–1982) , Barcelona 1985.
  • Estudios de literatura, pensamiento, historia política y cultura en la Edad Media europea. Homenaje a Jordi Rubió i Balaguer y Francesc Martorell i Trabal en la oportunidad histórica del centenario de su nacimiento , ed. by Manuel J. Peláez, Barcelona 1991.
  • Jordi Rubió i Balaguer and Manuel Rubió i Lois, Cartes de la guerra. Maig 1938 - gener 1939 , ed. by Jordi Galofré, Barcelona 1996.

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