Jorge Latour

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Jorge Latour (born July 11, 1898 in Rio de Janeiro , † 1972 ) was a Brazilian diplomat .


Jorge Latour holds a Bachelor of Law and Social Science degree from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro . On October 31, 1918, he took part in a competition and in 1919 was appointed Secretary of the Third Class. From October 1930 to September 1931 Latour was transferred to La Paz as chargé d' affaires , and from 1936 to 1938 he served on the mission to the League of Nations in Geneva .

From 1937 he was ordered to Warsaw as chargé d'affaires , from where he warned the Foreign Ministry of an Infiltração Japoneza no Brasil in a 30-page report illustrated with photographs . A year later he was transferred to Rome in the same position , where he appeared opposite Galeazzo Ciano as a representative of the Ação Integralista Brasileira , the party of Plínio Salgado.

From 1939 Latour was as chargé initially until 1940 in Mexico City and from 1941 to 1946 in Bogotá used. Subsequently, he was a member of the Brazilian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1946 and chaired the Conselho Nacional de Imigraçâo Colonização (Immigration Council) from 1946 to 1949 .

On November 27, 1951 he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire , and was accredited as such from March 9, 1952 to June 29, 1954 in Helsinki and thereafter until 1956 in Athens . Finally, Latour was appointed ambassador to Panama City from April 22, 1959 to July 11, 1963 , when Roberto Arias found asylum with him in April 1959 .

Individual evidence

  2. The Evening Independent , April 26, 1959, [1]
  3. ^ Paul Preston, Michael Partridge, Daniel Kowalsky, British Documents on Foreign Affairs : Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print. From 1951 through 1956. The Soviet Union and FinlandLexis Nexis, 2005, Great Britain - 401 p., P. 43
predecessor Office successor
Lucilio Antônio da Cunha Bueno Brazilian Chargé d'affaires in La Paz
October 1930 to September 1931
Samuel de Souza Leão Gracie
Jeronymo de Avelar Figueira de Mello Chargé d'Affaires in Warsaw in
Joaquim Eulálio do Nascimento e Silva
Abelardo Roças Chargé d'affaires in Mexico City
Carlos de Lima Cavalcanti
Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda Chargé d'affaires in Bogota
1941 to 1946
Carlos Alberto Moniz Gordilho
Paulo da Costa Franco Appointed envoy extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire in Helsinki
November 27, 1951 March 9, 1952 to June 29, 1954
Carlos dos Santos Veras
Frederico Meira de Vasconcellos Envoy Extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire in Athens
June 21, 1954 to 1956
Carlos dos Santos Veras
Marcei Maria Tarrisse da Fontoura Ambassador to Panama City
April 22, 1959 to July 11, 1963
Ronald Leslie Moraes Small