José Gaos

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José Gaos (born December 26, 1900 in Ablaña-Mieres , Gijón , Spain , † June 10, 1969 in Mexico City , Mexico) was a Spanish and Mexican philosopher .

Life and philosophy

Gaos studied philosophy at the University of Madrid and received his doctorate there in 1928 with a thesis on Edmund Husserl . He was strongly influenced by the writings of Martin Heidegger and Nicolai Hartmann , but above all by those of his teacher José Ortega y Gasset , whose chair he later took over in Madrid. In 1936 Gaos became rector of the University of Madrid. As part of his work as a translator for the Spanish publisher Revísta de Occidente (founded by Ortega y Gasset in Madrid ), the germanophile Gaos translated numerous works by German-speaking philosophers into Spanish, including a. by Max Scheler , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Edmund Husserl, Heinz Heimsoeth , Willy Moog , August Messer . The first Spanish edition of Heidegger's Being and Time was also published by Gaos.

In 1931 Gaos had joined the Spanish Socialist Workers Party ( Partido Socialista Obrero Español ) ( PSOE ). The Spanish Civil War drove him to emigrate to Mexico in 1938, where he taught for thirty years (1939–1969) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) as a philosophy professor. Today he is considered to be one of the co-founders of the younger Mexican philosophy. Gaos died of a heart attack while he was presiding over a doctoral exam. His collected works (Obras completas) (up to 2014: 19 volumes) are published at UNAM, where the Gaos archive is also located. In the context of Spanish philosophy, Gaos belongs to the so-called School of Madrid .

Gaos has contributed to almost every area of ​​philosophy, v. a. but on the history of philosophy , phenomenology , natural philosophy , anthropology , philosophy of technology , metaphysics , ontology and intercultural philosophy as well as the history of the philosophy of Mexico. Gaos announced an association of Latin American countries based on the model of the European Union.

So far there are no works by Gaos in German translation.


Complete edition

José Gaos Complete Edition - Obras Completas , ed. from the Instituto de Investigaciónes Filosóficas at the UNAM

Individual issues (selection)

  • La crítica del psicologismo en Husserl (dissertation, Madrid 1928; also: Mexico 1960)
  • Exclusivas del hombre: La mano y el tiempo ( The specifics of the human being: the hand and time ). Universidad de Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1945 (distribuído por la Fondo de Cultura Economica , México)
  • Las críticas de Kant (1962)
  • Doce por ciento (1962)
  • Filosofía contemporánea (1962)
  • De anthropología e historiografía (1967)
  • Del hombre (1970)

Individual evidence

  1. See Colonello, Pio: The Philosophy of José Gaos . Amsterdam / Atlanta: Rodopi 1997
  2. Cf. Poser, Hans / Karafyllis, Nicole C .: "José Ortega y Gasset: Considerations about technology", in: Hubig, Christoph / Huning, Alois / Ropohl, Günter (Eds.): Thinking about technology. The classics of technology philosophy and newer developments . 3rd edition edition sigma, Berlin 2013, 295–300
  3. A translation of Gaos' technical-philosophical work into German is in preparation. The project has been carried out since 2014 by Nicole C. Karafyllis , Department of Philosophy at the TU Braunschweig , and María Antonia González Valerio at the UNAM .