José Nogueira Valente Pires

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2: 3 ? Governor's flagHistoric flag

José Nogueira Valente Pires (born December 26, 1914 in Lisbon , Portugal , † October 15, 2010 ) was governor of the overseas province of Portuguese Timor from 1968 to 1972 . At this point he held the military rank of brigadier .

During his term of office, the city council built social housing in the colonial capital Dili in order to improve the health of the population. At that time Dili had 10,000 inhabitants. At the same time the activities of Marí Alkatiri , Nicolau Lobato and José Ramos-Horta began , who formed into an East Timorese independence movement in January 1970.


Pires had a daughter with his wife Maria Ilda de Castro Maurício .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Photo from 1965–1967
  2. ^ Geoffrey C. Gunn: Historical Dictionary of East Timor , 2010.
  3. ^ History and Politics: 2. b. Portuguese contact and historical experience - Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University
predecessor Office successor
José Alberty Correia Governor of Portuguese Timor
Fernando Alves Aldeia