Josef Ignaz Julius Maria Schmutzer

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Josef Ignaz Julius Maria Schmutzer (1945)

Josef Ignaz Julius Maria Schmutzer (born November 11, 1882 in Vienna , † September 26, 1946 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch mineralogist , geologist, sugar industrialist, art collector and politician.

He was born in Vienna, where his parents were on vacation. His father was a naturalized Dutchman and the owner of a sugar factory on Java ( Gondang Lipuro near Bantul ). After attending the high school in Surabaya, he studied in Delft from 1898 and 1902/03 at the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris and received his diploma as a mining engineer in Delft in 1904. He was assistant to Arthur Wichmann in Utrecht and received his doctorate in Delft cum laude in 1910 ( Bijdrage tot de kennis der postcenomane hypoabyssische en effussieve gesteenten van het Westelijk Müllergebergte in Centraal-Borneo ). In 1911/12 he was a private lecturer in mineralogy in Utrecht, traveled to India in 1912 and then took over his father's sugar factory in Java with his brother, whereby he showed an unusually high level of social commitment for the local rural population at the time. He was a committed Catholic and collected art from Java, whereby he also promoted contemporary artists, especially when taking up Christian European motifs. In 1924 he and his brother financed the construction of the Heilige Hart Kerk (Gereja Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus) in Ganjuran. 1918 to 1929 was in the Volksraad of the Dutch East Indies as a member of the Indian Catholic Party, which he helped found.

From 1930 he was professor of mineralogy at the University of Utrecht. Because of his political stance, he was imprisoned by the German occupiers from 1940, including in Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, before he was transferred back to the Netherlands, where he managed to escape. From February to June 1945 he was Minister for Overseas Territories in the last war cabinet. In 1945 he took up his professorship again, but died soon afterwards.

In addition to petrography and mineralogy, he has published on Indonesian religious art and social policy.

He was an officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau and the Dutch Lion (1946). His art collection is now in the Missionsmuseum Steyl .

Fonts (selection)

  • Europeanism of Catholicism . 1929
  • Wereldbeeld en wetenschap . 1930

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ganjuran Church of the Holy Heart
  2. ^ Missionsmuseum Steyl, Schmutzer Collection