Josef Passy-Cornet

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Josef Passy-Cornet ( January 3, 1864 in Vienna - June 2, 1934 in Zell / Tyrol ) was an Austrian opera singer ( bass baritone ).


Josef Passy-Cornet, son of the opera singer Anna Prasch-Passy , who also trained him, made his debut at the opera house in Laibach in 1886 as “Lord Tristan” in Friedrich von Flotow's Martha , then went to the theaters of Glogau / Schlesien, Neustrelitz, Regensburg (1893 –1894), Würzburg (1894–1896), Mainz (1896–1899), Cologne (1899–1901), Düsseldorf (1901–1903) and Augsburg (1903–1904). From 1904 to 1905 he worked at the Volksoper Vienna and then again in Düsseldorf from 1905 to 1906. Finally he moved again to Augsburg, where he was a singer and director at the theater from 1906 to 1929 .

Mention should be made of his roles as “Leporello” in Don Giovanni , as “Bartolo” in the Barber of Seville as in Figaro's wedding , “Papageno” in the Magic Flute , “van Bett” in Zar and Zimmermann von Lortzing, “Falstaff” in Nicolais Lustigen wives of Windsor and as "bombardon" in the Golden cross of Ignaz howler .

His grandmother was Adele Passy-Cornet , his brother Anton Passy-Cornet . Julius Cornet and Franziska Cornet were his great-grandparents.


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