Josef Recla

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Josef Recla (born April 15, 1905 in Graz ; † December 31, 1987 there ) was an Austrian sports scientist , sports historian and the founder of specialist information on sports science.


Recla's parents came from South Tyrol . He was born in Graz, graduated from grammar school there and studied history, geography, physical exercise, philosophy and pedagogy for the higher teaching post at the University of Graz . In 1930 he received his doctorate with the first doctoral thesis on the history of gymnastics in Austria at the University of Innsbruck ( The German gymnastics matter as a significant part of the German freedom and unity movement: a German gymnastics history in the greater German light ). As a student, Recla had joined the Austrian Cartell Association , the Catholic, color-bearing, non-striking student movement, in 1928 , and Catholicism shaped his entire life. After graduation, he worked as a high school teacher in Tyrol , Vorarlberg and Graz. From 1934 to 1938 Recla was one of the top sports functionaries of Austrofascism . That is why he was suspended as a grammar school teacher after the annexation of Austria and temporarily imprisoned. From 1940 to 1947 he was an officer in the Wehrmacht or in Soviet captivity . Immediately after his release from captivity, he returned to the University of Graz as a sports teacher and was appointed director of the Institute for Physical Education in 1948. In 1956 he qualified as a professor for theory and history of physical exercise and was then appointed professor . In 1970 he retired, but continued to be active in sports science through his sports teacher and trainer seminars until his death.

Scientific importance

For decades, Recla's annual international seminars on the methodology as well as the theory and practice of physical exercise (and especially his wine cellar) were among the few places where sports scientists from East and West (including the GDR ) were able to exchange ideas. From these meetings his claim to the free exchange of information arose. He therefore published a large number of bibliographies himself and founded the IASI ( International Association for Sport Information ) with others in 1960 . In the politically charged atmosphere of the post-war period, Recla belonged to the first generation of anti-fascists , who also fought publicly with the old Nazis like Erwin Mehl . The world catalog ( Worldcat ) has 363 titles (January 10, 2020) by and about him.

Individual evidence

  1. Josef Recla: The religious in the physical exercises of the present . Buxheim, Jller: Martin-Verl. 1957.
  2. u. a. Recla, Josef [Hrsg.]: International methodology course, Graz . Schorndorf: Hofmann 1972.
  3. ^ Arnd Krüger : Sport and Politics. From gymnastics father Jahn to state amateur . Torchbearers, Hanover 1975.
  4. ^ Grossing, Stefan u. a. (Ed.): Pioneers of sports science: Hans Groll, Josef Recla, Adalbert Slama . Purkersdorf: Hollinek 2005.

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