Joseph Augenstein

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Joseph Augenstein (born September 12, 1800 in Malsch ; † April 18, 1861 in Bietigheim ) was a local politician from Baden who was embroiled in the turmoil of the Baden Revolution .


Augenstein learned the butcher's trade and in 1820 became the landlord of the Rebstock inn in Bietigheim.

In 1846 Joseph Augenstein was elected to the municipal council in Bietigheim . In autumn 1848 he was the spokesman for the Rastatt Democrats and took over the Gasthaus Blume in Rastatt on March 8, 1849 . This was the local meeting place for the Democrats , his predecessor Fidel Frei was city ​​commander of the Rastatt vigilante group . He was elected as a member of the constituent assembly for the administrative districts of Baden , Gernsbach and Rastatt and was a supporter of Lorenz Brentano . As the only MP who voted for the Grand Duke's recall, he was expelled from the assembly and almost arrested.

After the failure of the revolution, he surrendered to the authorities and was therefore not prosecuted. Nevertheless he went into exile in Lauterburg in August 1849 . The right of citizenship was taken away from him on March 2, 1850th On April 22, 1850, Augenstein was acquitted of all allegations and returned to Bietigheim on May 24, 1850.


  • Uwe Rummel: 1000 years of Bietigheim. From the story of a hardt village . Battert, Baden-Baden 1992 ISBN 3-87989-215-6