Joseph Bernhard Gletle

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Joseph Bernhard Gletle (~ March 17, 1655 in Augsburg ; † July 26, 1696 in Salzburg ) was a lawyer and professor at the Benedictine University of Salzburg .


Joseph Bernhard Gletle was a son of the Augsburg cathedral music director Johann Melchior Gletle (1626–1683) from Bremgarten in Aargau , who was married to Maria Katharina Streitlin. He studied at the Benedictine University of Salzburg and the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt , where he received his doctorate in both rights in 1681. For a few years he taught at the University of Dillingen until he was appointed to the chair of Pandects in Salzburg in 1684 . After the death of Johann Balthasar Braun , he applied for the higher-level chair for the Codex and public law, which he received on November 17, 1688 (date of the archbishop's appointment). He was dean of the law faculty three times and was appointed to the Prince's Council of Salzburg.

According to Zauner, Gletle was "one of the most thorough and enlightened Salzburg law teachers". That he belonged to the early Enlightenment is made clear by the affair surrounding his last work, Legis Amortizationis et immunitatis ecclesiasticae anatomia iuridica (Brandhuber), which dealt critically with the acquisition of property and the immunity of the church. The publication, although initially approved by the theological and law faculties, was prevented by the prelates in charge of the university by buying up all the printed copies. It did not appear again until 1714, after Gletle's death.

Gletle was childless with Maria Elisabeth Weber, whom he declared a universal heiress. He bequeathed his plants and tulip bulbs partly to a relative and partly to the Benedictines of the College of St. Charles Borromeo. He died on July 26, 1696 and was buried in the Sacellum on July 29 . Ernst Friedrich von Someting took over his chair .


  • Theses Philosophicae De Anima (Praeses: Wilhelm Hainzell) Augustae Vindelicorum 1673
  • Assertiones iuridicae, ex universo iure selectae. Salisburgi 1694, 1708
  • Ius civile ad normam institutionum accurata methodo concinnatum. Salisburgi 1703, 1713, 1727
  • Josephi Bernardi Gletle… Selecta juris publici. Celebs 1708
  • Tractatus Iuridicus De Criminibus Publicis In Genere, Ac In Specie, De Crimine Maiestatis, Haeresi, Apostasia, Et Blasphemia. Celebs 1708
  • Josephi Bernardi Gletle Tractatus iuridicus pactis contractibus… Salisburgi 1714
  • Legis amortizationis [et] immunitatis ecclesiasticae anatomica iuridica. Argentinae 1714
  • Jus civile ad digestorum normam accurata methodo concinnatum. Salisburgi 1712 (manuscript collection of the Klagenfurt University Library)


  • Egidius Kolb: Presidium and professorships of the Benedictine University of Salzburg, in: Communications of the Society for Salzburg Regional Studies 102 (1962), pp. 117–166
  • Judas Thaddäus Zauner : Biographical news from the Salzburg law teachers from the foundation of the university to the present day , Salzburg 1789, p. 39
  • Christoph Brandhuber: Gymnasium mortis. The Sacellum of the University of Salzburg and its crypt . Salzburg, Vienna [a. a.] 2014 (University Library 4), pp. 210–213